Title: 帶給台灣結婚市場創新動能的媒介 —以非常婚禮網站為例
The Power of Innomediation in Taiwan’s Wedding Business: A Case study of veryWed.com
Authors: 黃妃儀
Huang, Fei-Yi
Han, Anthony F.
Keywords: 虛擬社群;創新媒介;商業模式;婚禮;Virtual Community;Innovation Intermediary;Business Model;Wedding
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 最近幾年結婚市場吹起創新風潮,不僅在結婚形式上跳脫傳統繁雜的迎娶模式,改由在海外舉辦婚禮或是依據新人的興趣在海底舉辦潛水婚禮,在喜帖及婚禮小物上也常見眾多新人的巧思,例如善用新人繪圖美工的技巧,將喜帖結合卡通化的新人圖像及設計專屬於與兩人的婚禮圖騰,充分彰顯獨特個人特色;又或者是新人手工製作發送的婚禮小物,讓前來賀喜的親朋好友們能有吃又有拿,主賓皆能留下深刻的印象。
這個研究採用Osterwalder and Pigneur在2010所提的商業模式,利用九宮格去分析非常婚禮網站如何達成作為創新動能的媒介。其中,本研究發現六個關鍵成功因素能讓此商業模式能成功帶給台灣結婚市場創新動能:大量且豐富的使用者分享文章、活躍的線上社群、及結合結婚相關企業和新人們的雙邊平台;而藉由上述三個因素促使非常婚禮的價值主張能得以成為其另外三個成功因素: 舒緩焦慮感、激發籌辦更好的婚禮之靈感、完成夢想婚禮。
The way of holding weddings is under change and new business model emerges so as to capture the new trend of leveraging the mutual interaction among users and vendors to fulfil a more creative and unconventional wedding. This research adopts the business model canvas introduced by Osterwalder and Pigneur (2010) to analyze how veryWed performs the role of innomediary as a customer community operator.
The results show that the key success factors include the archive of useful articles, the multi-sided platform, the online community, and the achievement of the value propositions such as relief of emotional tension, inspiration for better planning, and fulfilment of dream wedding. With them, veryWed not only helps the engaged couples to realize their dream weddings but also contributes its power of innomediation to wedding-related vendors to tailor the products/services.
Appears in Collections:Thesis