標題: 半導體測試公司的海外競爭策略-以K公司為例
Oversea Growth Strategies for Semiconductor Testing Companies by Using K Company as the Sample
作者: 菅野俊夫
Sugano, Toshio
Chu, Po-Young
關鍵字: 半導體測試;Semiconductor Testing
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 論文摘要 半導體測試在半導體製程當中扮演極其重要的角色,也是台灣高科技業中非常重要的一環。近年來,國際半導體環境產生巨大變化,各國的產業結構進行相對的調整,而使得台灣在國際舞台上的地位愈加重要。 台灣科技公司爲了擴大公司的營業規模,思考模式開始展開海外市場的佈局。惟不同的國度有不同的文化與不同的考量,眾多的科技廠在國外的代工業務拓展在某一個時間點均遇到不同的瓶頸,特別是在日本。 日本的半導體公司有其特殊的文化:首先基礎語言為日文。有很多時候,儘管所用的是看似相同的字句,在日本文化當中,語言背面的涵義更為重要,有些時候表像與內涵甚至剛好相反,令各種交涉變得愈加複雜。其次,專業技術的語言平台也不盡相同,常因而產生誤解。最重要的是,決策點的差異令台日雙方彼此感到困擾。 本研究針對台灣個案K公司為擴大在日本的市場開發,如何倂購日本本土企業進行探討。從倂購動機與目的,倂購前準備,到倂購後的綜合效應,從策略與整合流程進分探討,希望可以提供未來台灣企業進行海外併購作為借鏡與參考。
ABSTRACT The thesis is to explore how a Taiwan semiconductor testing company succeeded in oversea close culture. As semiconductor testing is one of the important link in the supply chain of semiconductor industry, it is also playing one of the significant roles in developing Taiwan High-Tec industry. Recently Taiwan’s semiconductor industry has become even more important than before as the semiconductor industry has been consolidated globally. Because of that, OEM in Taiwan is also steadily on the increase. In order to broaden business scope, OEM companies start to expand their business to overseas markets. However, the culture of each country is different; these OEM companies will encounter many problems that they have never experienced, especially in Japanese market. The culture of Japan’s semiconductor industry is very unique and quite different from any other countries, especially in the semantics of Japanese. When Japanese communicate with people from other countries, they speak in Japanese instead in English. Japanese is an indirect language in terms of semantics, sometimes Japanese says “yes” that means “no”. Such situations would make the conclusion difficult to be made when Japanese negotiates with foreigners. The case study will discuss how Taiwan’s semiconductor company to acquire a Japanese semiconductor company smoothly and successfully. The whole processes one are analyzed analyze what should do – before merging, during merging and after merging. Through the analysis, the codified experience hopefully would be helpful for Taiwan Semiconductor Companies when merging Japan’s semiconductor company in the future.