標題: 將MQTT協定資源整合至符合ETSI M2M標準之物聯網平台
Converging MQTT resources in ETSI standards based M2M platform
作者: 陳祥文
Chen, Hsiang-Wen
Lin, Fuchun Joseph
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 如何整合多樣通訊技術與方法是物聯網相關領域的一大挑戰。在2013年的科技部深耕計畫中,我們在從德國Fraunhofer FOKUS引進的符合ETSI M2M標準的物聯網平臺OpenMTC上開發了不同的M2M應用,並示範使用這類型物聯網平臺的好處。我們使用了HTTP 協定去整合非ETSI M2M相容的裝置,但還是有一些問題尚待解決。論文中我們提出了一個方法透過新設計的handler application “MQTT Proxy” 將Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT)協定整合進ETSI M2M的架構中。MQTT Proxy 一方面對MQTT clients而言是個MQTT broker,另一方面也是個與OpenMTC溝通的Gateway Application。我們比較了MQTT Proxy和HTTP Proxy不同的地方,並且介紹如何使用MQTT Proxy在OpenMTC上開發M2M的應用。
One of the key challenges of the Internet of Things (IoT) is the integration of heterogeneous technologies and communications solutions. In our 2013 MOST Deep Plowing Project, we developed different applications on OpenMTC, which is an ETSI standards based M2M platform developed by Fraunhofer FOKUS, to demonstrate the advantage of using a common service platform. We created handler applications using HTTP protocol to bridge non ETSI compliant devices into the OpenMTC, but still some issues remained to be solved. This thesis paper proposes a method to integrate Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocols with the ETSI M2M architecture via new handler applications called “MQTT Proxy”. The MQTT Proxy, on the one side, acts as an MQTT broker to the MQTT clients. While on the other side, it serves as a Gateway Application (GA) for interfacing with the OpenMTC. We compare the difference between the MQTT Proxy and the HTTP Proxy, and introduce how to develop M2M applications with the MQTT Proxy.


  1. 607901.pdf

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