標題: 影響導入雲端運算環境知識管理系統的關鍵因素-以M公司為例
Critical Factors Affecting the Adoption of KM in Cloud Computing Environment: A Case of Company M
作者: 簡慈慧
Chien, Tzi-Hui
Hwang, Hsin-Ginn
關鍵字: 知識管理系統;雲端運算;科技-組織-環境架構;Knowledge Management System;Cloud Computing;Technology-Organization-Environment;TOE
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 各企業內的知識領域是組織內部的競爭優勢因素,即使是高科技產業也不例外。過去十年內,台灣許多高科技公司也投入大量的資源於知識管理系統,以期妥善管理知識。根據學者與業界工作者的說明指出,使用知識管理系統也將為企業內部的知識管理行為帶來許多優點。知識管理系統也成為這些企業中重要的資訊系統。現今,雲端運算是資訊科技界的主要趨勢。而雲端運算也改變了許多資訊科技的應用方式。企業採用雲端運算並非單為資訊技術的變化,也是組織策略的考量。 現今,雲端運算也改變了許多資訊科技的應用方式。因為雲端運算的優點,當前台灣許多高科技公司也審慎考慮將傳統資訊科技應用系統轉換至雲端運算架構的應用系統。然而,企業採用雲端運算並非單為資訊技術的變化,也是組織策略的考量。也由操作層次的變化轉移為策略層面的變更。許多公司以漸進式的方式轉換既有系統至雲端運算架構中。換句話說,傳統小規模、獨立的系統,甚至是組織內部重要的ERP系統也都漸進轉換至雲端運算架構中。舉例來說,知識管理系統也將由傳統架構轉變。 本研究有兩個研究目標。具體而言,本論文首先針對國內外現有的雲端運算架構的知識管理系統、架構與功能進行深入探討。其次,將此雲端運算架構的知識管理系統與傳統的知識管理系統進行比較。最後,本論文也探討影響高科技產業導入雲端運算架構的知識管理系統的關鍵因素。 本研究以TOE模型為研究架構,根據文獻與實際經驗整理、歸納延伸出各構面。利用構面發展問卷,並根據過往文獻使用過的問項,修正使其符合為本研究所需之問項題目,做為訪談基礎內容。於此,對於個案公司進行半結構化訪談,蒐集受訪者對各題項所陳述之概念表達同意與否之外的看法。此外,本研究也訪談一位於雲端運算架構知識管理系統領域中,擁有資深經驗的顧問,以驗證研究結果。最終,共有14個變數提出為影響台灣高科技公司採用雲端運算架構知識管理系統。
Domain Knowledge is one of the key factors to determine the competitive advantages of a company. There is no exception for a high-tech company. Many high-tech companies in Taiwan have invested a lot of capital to implement knowledge management systems (KMS) for the purpose of managing knowledge existed inside the companies for the past decades. According to the reports both from academic and practitioners, the results of using KMS have demonstrate many merits for those high-tech companies. KMS have become one of the important information systems to those companies. Cloud computing have driven many changes of IT applications recently. Due to advantages of adopting cloud computing technology, many high-tech companies in Taiwan have seriously considered to transfer traditional IT applications into cloud computing applications. However, the adoption of cloud computing for any companies is not only a technical move, but also a strategic move. This paradigm shift requires many changes from operational level to strategic level. Many companies decide to do this shift by incremental basis. In other words, they convert traditional IT applications into cloud computing applications from small scale (an independent system) to full scale ERP systems gradually. One example is to adopt KMS in cloud computing environment instead of traditional KMS as a beginning of this transfer. There are two purposes of this thesis. The first purpose is to compare and contrast traditional KMS and cloud computing KMS based on a comprehensive literature review and one round of expert panels. The second purpose is to propose factors affecting the adoption of cloud computing KMS in high-tech industry based on a comprehensive literature review and one rounds of expert panels. The TOE framework was used to propose relevant variables affecting the decision of adoption. Furthermore, a questionnaire was developed based on the results of expert panels. A case company was selected and structured in-depth interview technique was adopted to collect relevant data. A senior consultant who has tremendous experiences of adopting KMS in cloud computing environment was invited to validate findings of this study. A total of 14 variables were proposed to affect the decision of adopting KMS in cloud computing environment for high-tech companies in Taiwan.