標題: 中國大陸勞工派遣制度之法律環境之研究
The Research of the Legal Environment in China’s Labor Dispatch System
作者: 楊雙彰
Yang, Shuang-Chang
Wang, Wen-Chieh
Chung, Hui-Min
關鍵字: 勞工派遣制度;勞動合同法;勞動基準法;派遣工;勞工派遣;labor dispatch system;labor contract law;labor standard act;dispatch worker;labor dispatch
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 勞動派遣制度在世界各國可謂早已行之有年。原本,派遣工是企業用來應付臨時性、輔助性、或替代性的短期、非常態的工作需求。但從民間企業到政府機關,在嚐到派遣人力低成本、無負擔的甜頭後,大家愈用愈沒有顧忌。派遣制度之所以引發學者眾多討論,主要是因為據觀察,絕大多數勞務派遣工的勞動報酬,遠低低於所在企業正式用工、勞務派遣工的社會保障權得不到保障、濫設勞務派遣公司、契約上的權利義務不明確……等問題。藉由文獻及相關資料之蒐集,可發現世界上諸多國家亦有類似之問題發生,其中,與我國文化、地理位置接近的中國大陸地區,相類的問題也層出不窮,學者、專家們也多有討論,甚至研議修正相關法律,其所討論之相關議題,也足為我國立法與實務操作上作借鏡。 2008年中國大陸在實施了「勞動合同法」後,勞務派遣這種用工方式始獲得了法律上的明確承認。但由於規定不夠完善周全,導致許多的用人單位濫用了勞務派遣,擾亂了正常的人力資源市場。中國政府隨即於2012年12月底通過了勞動合同法的修正案,對勞動派遣制進行了更為完善的立法。本文即針對此一修正案頒訂的前後,研究了相關的法條與學者專家的意見與看法,指出了其規制中的思維盲點,以及實施後的效果評估和企業之因應之道。 勞動派遣制度在中國大陸地區實際運用上可謂十分廣泛。但若因其所產生之弊病,而要求企業全面禁止使用派遣勞工,正可謂是因噎廢食,運作上也有極大的困難。本文整理相關學者、實務見解,希望可供有關單位或企業,在思考政策或企業人力資源管理的同時,能更確實注意勞動者相關之權益保障。特別是派遣勞工,因其勞動契約之特殊性,相關權益更需要被妥善規劃,以期能創造和諧的工作環境,與企業共創雙贏的局面。
The labor dispatch system has been implemented in several countries for years. Originally, dispatch worker are the corporates used to meet the short-term temporary, auxiliary or substitute working requirements. But from the private companies to the government institutions, more and more bosses prefer to find the labor from this channel after they got the big low-cost, less-burden advantages. According to many scholars observation, the labor remuneration of the most of the dispatch worker is less than the company formal worker. The right of the dispatch worker of the social security cannot be guaranteed. From the data and related information we collected, we can find it would also happen in the other countries. China, the one which the culture and geographical location closest to Taiwan, has the similar problem. Their scholars and experts have lots of discussion in this issue these years. The government had also deliberated even amended the relevant laws. From their past experiences, we can learn lot in the legislation or even the practical operation. The labor dispatch system is very popular in China and has been implemented for several years. It is difficult and unreasonable to ask the government or enterprises do not use the dispatch labors because of its disadvantages. In this thesis, we collected the practical opinions and views from several related scholars and experts and hope it could be a reference when the government or enterprise is searching for the dispatch labors. We truly hope they could take more care in the dispatch workers and indeed protect their social security right and create the win-win working environment.
Appears in Collections:Thesis