Title: 知識管理、組織文化對學習型組織實踐與工作滿意之關聯性研究-以高科技產業為例
A Study on Relationship among Knowledge Management, Organizational Culture, Learning Organization and Job Satisfaction - An Empirical Study of High Technology Industry in Taiwan
Authors: 黃仕豐
Huang, Shih-Feng
Hwang, Hsin-Ginn
Keywords: 學習型組織;知識管理;組織文化;工作滿意;Learning Organization;Knowledge Management;Organizational Culture;Job Satisfaction
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 學習是一趟終身持續的旅程,活到老、就要學到老,學習也是保持競爭優勢的關鍵,對於個人如此,對於團體或企業更是如此,要能夠快速的學習以適應外界的快速變化成為「學習型組織」。而現今社會處在資訊快速擴張、知識爆炸的時代,資訊實在太繁多了,對於組織企業來講,就需要好的資訊知識管理平台,幫助企業取得有用的資料,能快速的應變行動就是一項競爭力。而組織文化方面,鼓勵知識分享的文化是有效推動學習型組織的重要影響因素。企業員工是否主動積極學習,這也與員工的工作滿意程度有關。關於學習型組織、知識管理、組織文化、工作滿意構面的關聯性分析,相關的文獻很多,但各研究探討的相關構面與結論不一,所以本研究以資訊管理角度探討知識管理對於學習型組織的影響,並以高科技產業為母體做研究,探討各構面之間的關聯性,以提供給高科技產業之公司為實踐學習性組織的參考價值。 本論文研究目的。首先探討知識管理以及組織文化對於學習性組織實踐的影響;其次,探討實踐學習型組織對於員工工作滿意度的影響。經過完整文獻之後,發展本研究之研究架構雛形與問卷。本研究以台灣高科技企業產業的公司為母體,採用適當的隨機抽樣,收集相關資料,透過結構方程式模型(structural equation modelling, SEM),檢視各構面知識管理對學習型組織實踐,以及學習型組織實踐對於員工工作滿意的影響程度,驗證相關假設,提出結論與其管理意涵。本研究發放問卷至約33家高科技公司,共回收144份問卷,扣除無效問卷,有效問卷128份,資料分析結果如下:知識管理對於學習型組織之實踐,以及學習型組織實踐對於員工工作滿意有正向且顯著的影響關係。組織企業除了要了解到自身的競爭優勢掌握關鍵的因素,有效運用資訊科技和知識管理,幫助學習型組織實踐,滿足員工對於學習型組織與知識管理的期望,使企業更具有競爭力。
Learning is never ending journey and it is also a critical ability for individuals, organizations and enterprises. In order to be a "learning organization", enterprise need to learn quickly to adapt rapid changes in the world. In the competitive times, enterprise will require better knowledge management platform to obtain useful information and response quickly. Knowledge sharing is an important factor in organizational culture, it will let employees have willingness to learn new things and have job satisfaction. There are many researches about correlation analysis in "learning organization", "knowledge management", "organization culture", and "job satisfaction" constructs, but these research results are different conclusion in different situations and industries, so this research focuses on “information management” point of view to discuss the cause-effect and the influence for learning organization, provides recommended suggestion for academic and business circles. This research has two main purposes. First, study on the impact and the relationship among knowledge management, and organizational culture for learning organization; second, study on the impact and relationship among learning organization and employee job satisfaction. After literature review and discussed with several advisors and experts, develop this research framework and questionnaire. This research samples use high-tech industrial companies in Taiwan, one hundred and twenty eight (128) effective questionnaires taken from 144 employees surveyed from about 33 different high-tech companies in this research. Through the application of PLS-SEM, probe into the Knowledge Management, Organizational Culture, Learning Organization and Job Satisfaction. This research results are positive influential relationships between “Learning Organization“ and “Knowledge Management”, “Learning Organization“ and “Job Satisfaction”. Other purpose of this research is to contribute growing literature by correlation analysis between learning organization, knowledge management and job satisfaction.
Appears in Collections:Thesis