標題: 自然谷經營社群之信任研究
Trust in the Management of Natural Valley Community
作者: 陳鈞宏
Chen, Jun-Hong
Lu, Hsin-Yi
關鍵字: 信任;自然谷;環境信託;華龍社區發展協會;Trust;Nature Valley;Environmental Trust;Hua Long Community Development Association
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 本研究是以自然谷經營社群為對象,從信任的角度出發,探討其日常生活的實踐。從個人的生命歷程到人際間相處時,探討「信任」的概念,如何成為持續推動環境信託的動力;並從自然谷的日常生活與環境的相處,試圖理解「信任」是如何發生在人與環境的連結上;最後,探討經營社群的核心,如何與在地社區、學校建立關係,從一次性的活動演變成定期性的聯繫。綜合上述表現,檢視是否達成自然谷成立時,所設立之三項經營目標─環境教育的推動、生物多樣性以及與在地的連結。 依自然谷環境信託之經營社群觀察研究,所得發現歸納有三: 一、信任的期待:自然谷經營社群運作以「信任」為基礎,所展現出的期待,是回歸於對生活需求的滿足。 二、自然的律動:人與自然的相處可以是和諧的,但理解比實踐要更容易達成,減少物質需求,反能提升心靈的生活的滿足。 三、故鄉光榮感:從社區、學校活動的推動與參與,找到環境信託在地發展的可能性,推動時宜循序漸進,方能達成從瞭解到內化的目標。
The essential target of this research is the Natural Valley Management Community. Based on the concept of trust, this research explores the practicality of the daily management of the Valley. Beginning at the inception of personal journey, continuing onto the entity interactions, the perception of trust serves as the continual stimulus to make the overall environmental relationship work. By observing the normal daily life of the Natural Valley and investigating the environmental interconnections, the attempt to comprehend the role of “trust” is reached. Furthermore, the research studies how the management level is able to establish the rapport with the local community and schools by communicating regularly. This research aims to examine the accomplishment of the three core goals of the Natural Valley formation which are to make known the environmental education, diversify the biological inhabitants, and connect with the local communities. Based on the observation of the Management Community of the Natural Valley environmental trust, three findings are concluded: 1. The Expectation of Trust: The operation of the Natural Valley management is based on the anticipation of trust but should also consider the reality circumstances. 2. The Movement of Nature: For human to connect with the Mother Nature peacefully is idyllic. Minimizing the material desire is the key to increase the spiritual satisfaction. 3. The Hometown Pride: By engaging and initiating the local community and school activities in a preferred timely manner, the Environmental Trust develops a sense of belonging and familiarizes the localities with its agenda and operation.