标题: 宜蘭詔安客屬村落的文化網絡與認同-以游氏宗族與寺廟為例
Cultural Nexus and Identity of Yilan Villagers:A Case of the YouLineage and Temples
作者: 何里庭
Ho, Li-ting
Lee, Chiao-Hung
关键字: 土著化;權力的文化網絡;象徵資本;宗族意識;再領域化;詔安客;indigenization;cultural nexus of power;symbolic capital;lineage leaders consciousness;re-territorialization;ZhaoAn-Hakka
公开日期: 2013
摘要: 本研究的主要場域在蘭陽平原宜蘭河上游的圓村,採民族誌與漢學人類學的研究方式,爬梳地方宗族頭人的歷史意識,解析來自漳州詔安游樂山派下宗族頭人,研究他們如何以血緣、地緣性「權力的文化網絡」(culture nexus of power)推動宜蘭河上游圓村的土著化及地方建構。
以餘慶堂宗族頭人的「能動性」而論,現任宗族頭人善於使用「權力的文化網絡」,並藉由年年回去大陸祭祖,試圖提高宗法的價值及「長房顧灶」的使命感,並應用在公嘗糾紛上,帶來大房派下房派意識的新凝聚力。圓村游氏在兩岸宗親往來的各種活動中,重新確認了「詔安 客底 」身分,以特有的宗族習性和意識牽起了對詔安的認同。
This study takes the Yuan Village located on the upper stream of Yilan River, west Yilan, as the main research field. The study adopts the research methods of ethnography and anthropological Sinology to discuss the historical consciousness of the local lineage leaders, and to analyze the lineages leaders of LeShan You’s offspring originated from Zhaoan, Zhangzhou, to find out how they promoted the indigenization and the constitution through the consanguineous and geographical “cultural nexus of power” in Yuan Village on the upper stream of Yilan River. The researcher conductsconsistent discussions over the lineage leaders’consciousness of the leader of the Y o u lineages and the cultural consciousness of the local Sinology scholars. The Y o u lineages leaders took the temple as the symbolic capital, andfurther the Sinology as the cultural capital, both of which gave them much influence on local communities. The study is focused on the analysis of the Y o u lineage leaders so as to understand how their power and authority were formed as well as how their power and authority keep affectingthe current village temple participants. In the modern domain, on the other hand, the local leaderstry to unite the local facilitate the “Re-territorialization” of local communities through the interactions and influences of the “Buddha Culture Festival” in the temple. In term of the “agency” of the Yuqing-Ancestors Temple lineage leaders, the current lineage leaders are good at taking advantage of the “cultural nexus of power.” They have re-enhanced the importance of the patriarchal cult as well as the sense of mission by means of the annual ancestor worship and ancestral grave repair back in Mainland China. As for the “common property right” dispute, it has unexpectedly brought a new cohesion to the people descending from the senior lineages. In the interactions between Taiwan and Mainland China of the Y o u lineages, the Yuan villagersfaced with the rediscovery of the “ZhaoAn-Hakkakeh-deh”(詔安客底), connecting to the recognition of Zhaoan through their particular lineage leaders customs and consciousnesses.