Title: 影響顧客使用行動銀行意願關鍵因素
A study of factors affecting consumers’ intention to use mobile banking
Authors: 張宜群
Chang, I-Chun
Hwang, Hsin-Ginn
Keywords: 行動銀行;態度三元模式;相對優勢;複雜性;相容性;個人創新性;轉移成本;習慣;Mobile banking;Tripartite model of attitude;Relative advantage;Complexity;Compatibility;Personal innovativeness;Switching cost;Habit
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 本論文之研究目的在於提出一個可以解釋消費者使用行動銀行意願的理論模型。本研究之研究模型立基於態度三元模式,包含認知、情感以及行為三個元素,並用以探討消費者使用行動銀行的態度以及意願。本研究亦實證所提出之研究模型,研究對象為台灣的大學及研究所學生,包括實際以及具高度潛力的行動銀行未來使用者,共回收262份有效問卷。本研究模型變數包含相對優勢、複雜性、轉移成本、個人創新性、相容性、習慣、態度以及使用意願。本研究使用LISREL 8.7進行結構方程模式分析,分析結果顯示,相對優勢、個人創新性以及相容性對消費者的態度有顯著正向影響;而轉移成本則對消費者的態度有顯著負向影響;此外,消費者對於行動銀行之態度也與其使用意願有顯著正向影響。本研究之研究結果包括實證了所提出之研究模型,且態度三元模式的三個因素皆為重要缺一不可。
The purpose of this study is to develop a theoretical model to explain consumers’ intentions to use mobile banking. A research model based on the tripartite model of attitude with cognitive, affective, and past behavior components is proposed to examine consumers’ attitudes of mobile banking and intentions to use mobile banking. The proposed model is empirically validated by survey data collected from 262 undergraduate and graduate students who are high potential and actual users of mobile banking in Taiwan. The proposed model consists of independent variables including relative advantage, complexity, switching cost, personal innovativeness, compatibility, habit and attitude, and dependent variables including user’s intention to use mobile banking. The hypotheses are assessed by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) via statistical analysis software LISREL 8.7. Five of seven hypotheses are significantly supported. The results of the statistical analysis show that relative advantage, personal innovativeness, and compatibility have positive effects on consumer’s attitude. Meanwhile, switching cost has negative effect on consumer’s attitude. Moreover, consumer’s attitude is positively related to consumer’s intention to use mobile banking. These results indicate that the all of the components of tripartite model of attitude are critical, and the proposed model is applicable in the context of mobile banking.
Appears in Collections:Thesis