Title: 機車駕駛人侵略性駕駛行為量測之研究
Exploring the Aggressive Driving Behavior of Motorcyclists
Authors: 羅德安
Dan Lwo
Hsin-Li Chang
Keywords: 機車駕駛人;侵略性駕駛行為;侵略性駕駛行為量表;交通安全;Motorcyclist;aggressive driving behavior;aggressive driving behavior scale;traffic safety
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 侵略性駕駛行為泛指「駕駛人在道路上所有可能讓其他用路人身心受到負面影響的外顯駕駛行為」,是造成道路交通事故之重要元兇之一,也是國內外交通安全研究中廣被探討之危險駕駛行為。機車是我國之重要交通工具,也是造成國人交通事故傷亡最為嚴重之交通工具,因此瞭解我國機車駕駛人侵略性駕駛行為之成因與影響因素,乃成為推動我國交通安全上相當重要之研究課題。過去對侵略性駕駛行為之研究多以汽車駕駛人為研究對象,所建立之「侵略性駕駛行為量表」多從汽車駕駛人之角度思考,並以在汽車為主的交通環境下開發。相對於以機車騎士為研究對象,並以「在汽機車混合車流中所表現之駕駛行為」為量測目標下,所需要之「機車駕駛人侵略性駕駛行為量表」恐非將「以往國外所建立之量表」加以微調修改所能達成。本研究基於發展本土化機車駕駛人侵略性駕駛行為量測工具之開發,擬從分析我國機車駕駛人之駕駛行為之需要,嘗試建立適合我國國情之機車駕駛人侵略性駕駛行為量表,進而探討影響機車駕駛人侵略性駕駛行為之因素,據以研擬有效抑制機車駕駛人侵略性駕駛行為之對策,以提升我國之道路交通安全。
Aggressive driving is defined as occurring when "an individual commits a combination of moving traffic offenses so as to endanger other persons or property," which is an important cause of traffic accidents and is discussed in many researches. Motorcycle is the most popular private vehicle and brings the most significant proportion of fatal traffic accidents to Taiwan each year. Therefore, exploring motorcyclists’ aggressive driving behavior is an important issue to find the measures for improving traffic safety on the road. However, the aggressive driving behavior scales used in previous studies were all developed in western countries and designed for automobile drivers exclusively. They are not quite fitted to measure motorcyclist aggressive driving behaviors in Taiwan. Including the domestic traffic environment, lifestyle, and culture, this study is then conducted to develop a Motorcyclist Aggressive Driving Scale (MADS) to measure the aggressive driving behavior of motorcyclists in Taiwan. We will then apply the developed MADS to explore the affecting factors of motorcyclist aggressive driving behaviors and suggest effective measures to improve traffic safety in countries which have a lot of motorcycles like Taiwan by reducing motorcyclist aggressive driving behaviors.
Appears in Collections:Thesis