標題: 以專利分析法探討自動駕駛車之創新與應用—以Google Self-driving Car 為例
A Study on Innovation of Autonomous Vehicle by Analyzing Patents of Google Self-driving Car
作者: 蘇若綺
Su, Jo-Chi
Yuan, Benjamin
關鍵字: 專利分析;自動駕駛車;無人駕駛車;創新;Patent analysis;Autonomous vehicle;Driverless car;Self-driving car;Innovation
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 為了降低交通事故對人類帶來的生命財產損失,汽車業界的廠商開始發展各式的先進駕駛輔助系統(ADAS),以輔助人為操作的不足。以先進駕駛輔助系統為碁石,再加上美國國防部所舉辦的大挑戰賽推波助瀾,自動駕駛車的技術在近幾年的發展一日千里,目前的技術已可達到美國國家高速公路安全局的Level3 「有限自動駕駛」的標準。Google 網羅了曾參與大挑戰賽的幾位技術菁英開始發展Google Self-driving Car 計畫,Google的加入無疑是汽車產業最受矚目的異質競爭者,本研究利用專利分析法探討Google 切入自動駕駛車的技術切入點以及技術發展現況。 研究結果顯示,Google自動駕駛車之相關技術已由萌芽期進入成長期;主要技術切入點為相對位置之控制、導航、雷射光學訊號處理與影像辨識、資料運算處理與控制等4項技術。Google以其原有導航技術與人工智慧技術之優勢在此4個領域之中為技術領先者。此外,Google 對於人機介面與V2X之技術亦有相關專利,甚至在專利中開始佈局未來Google Self-driving car 之新的商業應用,與其廣告業務作結合,利用其專利演算法進行競標,將來Google Self-driving car可以提供載運目標客戶到得標店家的實體店面或服務所在地的服務。 在美國專利商標局的資料庫中,針對Google 技術集中度最高的UPC分類號中,美國的專利件數、申請權人數與發明人數均遠超過其他各國。排名第二的為日本、依序為德國、韓國與瑞典。以公司別來看,Google 雖是新進者,但是它在自動駕車最核心的自動控制與自動導航系統卻是技術領先者,研究也顯示Google Self-driving car 計畫亦刺激了汽車產業自動駕駛技術快速的發展。
In order to reduce the loss of human life and property caused by traffic accidents, manufacturers in the automobile industry began to develop a variety of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) to assist human drivers. Based on the development of ADAS technically and facilitated by the DARPA Grand Challenge, autonomous vehicle technology has advanced quickly in recent years. The current technology has reached level 3 standard (Limited Self-Driving Automation) defined by the U.S. NTHSA. Google recruited several technical elites joining Grand Challenge to set up Google Self-driving Car program. Google is undoubtedly a compelling and game-changing competitor in automobile industry. By analyzing Google's patents granted by United States Patent and Trademark Office(USPTO), this study investigates the strength Google has regarding its autonomous vehicle technology as well as its current position among competitors in the same field. The results show that Google's capability on autonomous vehicle technology has been moving from a embryonic stage to a growing stage. The main 4 cut-in points are control of relative position, navigation technology, laser optical signal processing, image identification and data processing/control related technology. Google has advantageous navigation and artificial intelligence technology allowing Google to become the leader in the field. In addition, Google has also put emphasis on user interface and V2X technology. Google was also granted a patent for arranging free (or highly discounted) transportation by self-driving car to an advertiser’s business location. By searching the patents with the UPC where Google is focusing, United States has the dominate position over any other countries. The others are Japan, Germany, Korea and Sweden. From a company prospective, Google is a new entrant and has the leading position of the core technology of autonomous vehicle. The research also manifested that Google self-driving car project stimulated the advance of autonomous vehicle technology stronger than ever.