Title: 機車駕駛人交通法規態度對違規行為影響之研究
The Influence of Motorcyclists' Attitude toward Traffic Law on Their Traffic Violation Behavior
Authors: 余忠訓
Yu, Chung-Hsun
Chang, Hsin-Li
Keywords: 機車駕駛人;交通法規態度;違規行為;理性行為理論;結構方程模式;Motorcyclists;Attitude toward Traffic Law;Violation Behavior;Theory of Reason Action (TRA);Structural Equation Model (SEM)
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 在台灣地區中,民眾使用代步的交通運具多半為機車,此運具的特性較為方便、機動性高,然而機車駕駛人相較於其他運具駕駛人的違規事件也較多,並造成許多交通事故的發生,因此本研究欲量測機車駕駛人的交通法規態度,以探討對於違規行為的相關因素,期望能透過提升駕駛人的法規態度來抑制違規行為的產生。本研究利用法規正面態度、法規負面態度、風險感認、工具型動機等構面,搭配理性行為理論作為探討機車駕駛人違規行為的影響因素,並採用結構方程模式進行路經分析與驗證理論模型,再透過T檢定及單因子變異數分析檢定受測者社經背景和法規態度是否有顯著之差異。 研究結果發現模式中各構面之路徑分析皆有顯著影響,因此驗證模式中各構面關係之假設皆成立,後續針對法規態度及各構面進行T檢定及單因子變異數分析,發現不同年齡、駕駛年資的法規正面態度有顯著之差異,年齡的法規正面態度以壯年組平均分數最高,駕駛年資以11年以上的法規正面態度平均分數最高,後續以駕駛年資10年區分為兩群,對其他社經背景變數作檢定,發現不同性別、學歷、騎車頻率、事故經驗及送傷送醫經驗的法規負面態度有顯著之差異,本研究將針對這些特定族群提出建議與政策,以降低機車駕駛人違規行為,建立更和諧的道路交通安全環境。
Motorcycles are the most popular private vehicle among Taiwanese, which are more convenient than cars due to its outstanding accessibility. Although the motorcyclists commit a lot of traffic violations that could lead to severe accident. This research measured the motorcyclists’ attitude toward traffic law in order to find out the affecting factors of traffic violations. According to Theory of Reason Action(TRA), we conducted a model of traffic violation behavior which includes latent like attitude toward traffic law, perception of risk and instrumental motivation. The model is measured with Structural Equation Model (SEM) including path analysis. T-test and AVONA are used to confirm if social economical affects attitude toward law. Results show that all paths among latent of the model significantly support the hypothesis. Motorcyclists’ age and driving experience were found to significantly affect their positive attitude toward law by using T-test and ANOVA. Motorcyclists who have over 10 year of driving experience appear to show greater positive attitude toward law. Social-economy characters such as gender, academic degree and experience of traffic accident significantly affect motorcyclists’ negative attitude toward law. By the results we make certain political advice in order to reduce traffic violations and ensure a better traffic environment.
Appears in Collections:Thesis