Title: 電動機車產業推動關鍵成功因素分析—以澎湖地區為例
Key success factors of E-Scooter industry promotion: A case study in Penghu
Authors: 尤浚達
Yu, Chun-Ta
Jin-Li Hu
Keywords: 電動機車;關鍵成功因素;澎湖;E-Scooter;Key Success Factors;Penghu
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 本論文旨於分析電動機車產業在澎湖地區推動成功之關鍵成功因素。自2009年以來,政府透過補助民眾購置電動機車及補助法人設置充電設施等方式,推動電動機車產業的發展,其中澎湖地區由於在政府積極協助克服價格、性能、品質、便利性、環境面等傳統電動機車的推動難題,因而在2011年至2013年間共銷售3,464輛經濟部認可的電動機車,不僅占全國同期總銷售量的15.47%,以人口數僅占全國0.4%的比例來看,可知其推動成效相當顯著。此外減碳成效達357.62公噸,接近一座大安森林公園一年的二氧化碳吸收量,也符合電動機車的推動初衷,使澎湖地區成為國際上推動低碳交通的典範。歸納並分析澎湖地區電動機車產業推動的情形,可知其關鍵成功因素為「符合期待的價格」、「適合的使用環境」、「便利的能源補充」、「符合需求的產品」以及「各界的積極推廣」等五項,以上皆需要產官學研等各界的共同努力始能達成,可提供其他地區推動電動機車時之參考。
The purpose of this article is to analysis the key success factors of E-scooter industry promotion in Penghu. Since 2009, the government promotes the E-scooter industry by providing subsidies to car purchasing and charging facilities setting. Due to the government’s proactive assistance in overcoming obstacles as price, performance, quality, convenience, and environmental aspects, etc., Penghu region reached sales of 3,464 units of E-scooters during 2011-2013, which were certificated and subsidized by Ministry of Economic Affairs. Although the share of Penghu’s population is only 0.4% of Taiwan, the E-scooters sales volume is up to 15.47% of Taiwan in the same period. Besides, this also reduces 357.62 tons of carbon emission, almost being equal to the annual CO2 absorption of Da-Ann Forest Park. This makes Penghu become the promotional paradigm of low carbon transportation in the world. Summarizing the E-Scooter promotion case in Penghu, we can conclude five key success factors: "Meet the expectations of the price", "Appropriate use of the environment", "Convenient energy supplement", "The product meets needs consumers", and "Active joint efforts to promote". All of the above requires joint efforts by all sectors to achieve the goals. If another region is willing to promote E-Scooters, it can refer to the case of Penghu.
Appears in Collections:Thesis