標題: 台灣各縣市機車數量與空氣污染指數間之關聯
The Linkage between Regional Numbers of Scooters and Air Pollution Indexes in Taiwan
作者: 陳為方
Chen, Wei-Fang
Hu, Jin-Li
關鍵字: PSI;SO2;NO2;CO;機車數量;每千人持有機車數;機車區域密度;PSI;SO2;NO2;CO;numbers of scooters;per thousand people own scooters;scooter density of cities
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 綠能運輸已成為當今世界的趨勢,各國政府無不投入大量人力物力在鼓勵業者朝此方向發展,此舉不僅有望降低溫室效應的影響,更可改善空氣汙染的品質,可謂一箭雙鵰。 本研究靈感來自王、胡、謝(2010)之研究,衍伸出對於空氣汙染指數及台灣地區各縣市間,機車數量,每千人持有機車數,及機車區域密度對空氣污染因子之影響,所探討的因子包含空氣污染指標PSI,SO2, NO2及CO。並整合自2001年起,長達十六年之空污監測及環境污染年報資料。提供讀者台灣近年來空氣污染變化一個概括的方向。此外,本研究也參考政府目前能源,科技,交通發展政策,透過複回歸分析法,比對縣市區域間空氣污染指數與機車數量之關係,發現機車之數量,持有數與密度確實會對PSI, SO2及NO2產生關聯性,若欲提升空氣品質,降低現行使用石化能源之機車數會是可行的方向。為日後政府在推廣大眾運輸工具,電動車,或是相關替代政策時,提供資料。如何取代石化能源,電動能源的車輛,勢必會成為接下來各國政府投入資源的重心。
It has become a trend that more and more government are encouraging industries to put resources to build green transportation to solve green house and air pollution problems. This study is inspired from (S.-M.Wang, Hu, &Hsieh, 2010) that shows that air pollution indexes are related to some transportation factors. Therefore, this study collects data from annual environmental reports (2001-2016), in the meantime, to search the numbers of scooters of cities, per thousand people own scooters of cities, and scooter density of cities to find out the correlation between PSI, SO2, NO2, and CO. The result shows that the scooter amount of cities, per thousand people own scooters, and scooter density of cities has a positive correlation with air pollution indexes in Taiwan. If numbers of scooters in Taiwan are increasing, the air pollution indexes will get worse. Hence, to develop alternative green transportation such as electronic scooters can help government decrease air pollution problem.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453011