Title: 汽車發動機在不同駕駛狀態的怠速智慧型控制
Intelligent Idle Speed Control for Automobile Engine under Different Driving Conditions
Authors: 李承祐
Keywords: 電子節氣門;怠速控制;Electronic Throttle;Idle control
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 本論文的研究目標是利用近代汽車上的電子節氣門進行設計和實作智慧型怠速控制和行駛中的轉速控制,實驗中使用Saab公司的電子節氣門91 88 186與Saab 9000 CSE(1994),微控制器採用Pololu公司的Baby Oranguran B-328,取代舊有的Arduino UNO控制器,以達到減小體積的效果,再經由光耦合電路以及功率放大器H-bridge將電壓和電流調整至電器們所需要的12伏特和5安培,論文中所採用的控制法則為模糊控制法,為了達到計算的快速和實際應用的需求而採用離散模糊控制查表法,採用事先計算好的數值進而由查表方式找出對應的控制輸出值,使節氣門角度可以開啟至最佳角度,讓引擎性能達到最佳狀態,以達到節能與環保的理想結果。其他的應用可以應用在汽車上的重渦輪增壓控制、自動化壓力控制、引擎室進氣控制、車輛巡航系統等項目上。
In this thesis, the objective is to design a Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) for electronic throttle and implement the proposed method on idle speed control and driving control. The experimental car in this thesis is Saab 9000 CSE (1994), which was produced by the Swedish company Saab. Besides, we adopt the electronic throttle (ET) of Saab-91-88-186, which has been used in Saab 95 from 1998. To implement our proposed method, a micro controller Baby Orangutan B-328, from the company Pololu, is chosen owing to its small size. This controller is compact but complete, which use the same core as Arduino UNO, the controller that we used previously. However, the electronic throttles used in the modern cars usually need 12V/5A power. Therefore, an H-bridge and an Optocoupler are used to step up voltage and current. In this thesis, a feedback control scheme using fuzzy logic control (FLC) is presented. Moreover, for real-time control, an off-line discrete fuzzy look-up table is adopted. Proven by the experiments in cars, the controller can open the electronic throttle valve to desired angles for idle speed control or driving control. Besides these two modes of automobile control, the other applications like the heavy turbo charger control, automatic pressure control (APC), or cruise control, can be discussed in the future researches.
Appears in Collections:Thesis