標題: 模擬有觸鬚的爬藤植物與環境之互動
Simulation of Climbing Plants with Tendrils Interacting with Environment
作者: 陳愷君
Chen, Kai-Chun
Wong, Sai-Keung
關鍵字: 爬藤植物;觸鬚;climbing plant;tendril
公開日期: 2014
摘要: 爬藤植物有很多種類,我們主要是模擬有觸鬚的爬藤植物,這種爬藤植物跟別種爬藤植物不同的地方在於,他們有觸鬚這個特別的結構,爬藤植物無法自行直立,他們需要依靠著別的物體往上生長,這個結構在整株植物生長的時候,會有很多有趣的行為模式,像是他們會在一定的範圍裡晃動,尋找可以攀附的物體,當找到物體後,觸鬚會捲曲,並把整株植物往攀附物體的方向拉。在這篇論文哩,我們提供一些方法來模擬觸鬚的行為,並讓這些觸鬚可以跟環境有互動。
This paper presents an approach to simulate climbing plants with tendrils. The climbing plants with tendrils exhibit interesting searching, pulling and curling behaviours. A tendril searches for a host object and then curl itself so that a pulling force is generated. Thus, the main stem of a climbing plant gets closer to the host object. Our focus is on simulating these behaviours, resulting in realistic animation of tendrils. We propose several simple but effective techniques to animate such behaviours. We implemented our approach and performed experiments. Our approach generates climbing plants with tendrils that can interact with the environment.