標題: 由三維模型產生穩固樂高模型之研究
A Study on the Stable LEGO Sculpture Generation
作者: 洪振耀
Hong, Jhen-Yao
Shih, Zen-Chung
Way, Der-Lor
關鍵字: 樂高;體素化;結構穩定;LEGO;voxelization;structural stability
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 樂高積木是一項深受人們喜愛的玩具,在展覽裡可以欣賞到特殊、壯觀的樂高作品,也有人以樂高為主題拍攝電影,。但是,對於初學者而言,要建構出一個好的樂高模型並不容易,即使是熟練的專家同樣需要大量的時間才能拼出穩固的模型。因此,我們提出了一個系統,使用者只需將closed polygonal model輸入我們的系統中,系統會判斷polygon與voxel的相交情形,將polygonal model轉換成volumetric model,並透過減少內部voxel的方式調整模型的重心,最後針對每塊積木的連結率以及積木成本做最佳化的處理,產生樂高積木每一層的結構圖。使用者即可依照結構圖輕鬆的建出樂高模型。
LEGO is a popular toy all over the world. The LEGO sculptures have been applied in lots of occasions, such as an exhibition and a movie. However, building a stable sculpture is difficult for novices. Even a well-experienced user also need to spend much time to construct it. This thesis presents a system to build a LEGO sculpture easier. Given a closed polygonal model as the input, our system transforms this model to a volumetric model first. Secondly, by removing proper inner voxels, the model’s center of mass is adjusted to an appropriate position to make the model stand stably. Finally, the greedy merge algorithm builds the structures of a sculpture by optimize the trade-off between the connection and brick cost of each bricks. Consequently, users can build a stable and low-cost LEGO sculptures by following the assembly instructions.


  1. 663001.pdf

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