標題: | 應用實驗設計提升無鉛錫膏印刷製程品質-以D公司為例 Improving the Lead-Free Solder-Paste Quality in Printing Process using Design of Experiments–A case Study of D Company |
作者: | 張智鈞 Chih, Chun-Chang 唐麗英 Lee – Ing Tong 管理學院工業工程與管理學程 |
關鍵字: | 錫膏印刷、實驗設計、2k全因子實驗;Soler printing process, Design of Experiments, 2k full factorial Experiment |
公開日期: | 2014 |
摘要: | 網通產品在處理高速運算、省電、薄型化的市場趨勢下,電路設計漸趨復雜,導致元件的密度大幅增加。為因應此趨勢,表面黏著元件(Suface Mount Devices, SMD)的體積及IC腳距漸趨微小,而電路板組裝(Printed Circuit Board Assembly, PCBA)製造商的錫膏印刷製程品質也必須提升。其中,錫膏印刷厚度又是一個特別重要的品質特性。因此本研究主要目的是針對台灣某網通PCBA製造廠商(D公司)的錫膏印刷厚度品質不佳問題,利用實驗設計(Design of Experiments,DOE)手法找出錫膏印刷機之最佳參數設定值。本研究最後以D公司之無鉛錫膏印刷製程來驗證新的錫膏印刷機參數組合確實可以大幅提升錫膏印刷厚度之Cpk。 Due to the market demand of high speed computing, saving energy and size thinning in network production, the circuit design becomes complicated. This causes increasing density of devices. Accordingly, the size of SMD and the pitch of IC become smaller than before. The Printed Circuit Board Assembly (PCBA) manufacturer needs to improve the quality of the solder printing process. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to enhance the solder thickness to its target by utilizing Design of Experiments (DOE) to find out the optimal parameter setting for solder printing machine. A Case study of D company is utilized to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed optimal parameter setting. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/75632 |
顯示於類別: | Thesis |