標題: 利用田口方法改善IC Substrate防焊開孔型狀-以C公司為例
Improving IC substrate solder resistance opening shape using Taguchi’s method-A case study of C company
作者: 張智凱
Chang, Chih-Kai
Chang, Yung-Chia
關鍵字: 綠漆;滲錫;田口實驗;綠漆塗佈;綠漆曝光;綠漆顯影;solder resist;Taguchi's method;solder resist roller coating;solder resist exposure;solder resist development;solder resist curing after development process
公開日期: 2014
摘要: 自金融海嘯以來,適者生存,不適者淘汰的鐵律再次激烈的上演,有企圖心 的企業不能再安於現狀,以圖目光可視之利益而滿足,需不斷的與時俱進,才可生存在競爭激烈的社會。本論文探討的問題是因個案公司為了滿足客戶需求,使用從無生產經驗的原物料綠漆,因此相關製程參數在尚未最佳化的狀況下生產,導致產品有瑕疵,出貨至客戶端進行後製程時發現了下孔徑過大而滲錫導致短路的可靠度缺失。 本研究使用Minitab 15 套裝分析軟體,並深入研究分析綠漆製程,找出可 能影響孔徑比的因素,再利用由田口實驗找出能達到最佳化綠漆上下孔徑比的最佳參數組合。實驗共有五個因子,分別為綠漆塗佈製程參數V、綠漆曝光製程的參數W、綠漆顯影製程的參數X、綠漆顯影後烘烤的參數Y及顯影後烘烤的參數Z。本研究使用切片手法找出上下孔徑,並使用金像顯微鏡量測上下孔徑,藉此算出孔徑比。實驗後發現,參數V、參數W 與參數Y對綠漆孔徑比有最顯著的影響,因此最後使用田口實驗的最佳參數組合,使產品可符合目標水準,順利的改善個案公司對於新綠漆生產的製程能力。
Business competition became extremely cruel when Financial Tsunami occurred. Every enterprise might be defeated if it did not improve itself or the low speed of improvement. It is always true that the fittest survives. The subject of this study is C company use the solder resist that it never has experience on it to satisfy the requirement of customer.However,C company has no optimized parameter to fit its production line cause customer complaint for the reliability quality issue,its customer complaint that the IC substrate short caused by the over size solder resist bottom diameter. This study use Minitab15 software for analysis,and use Taguchi’s method to design a experiment based on the parameter V of solder resist roller coating process, parameter W of soler resist exposure process, parameter X of solder resist developing process , parameter Y and parameter Z of solder resist curing after developing process.The purpose of this study is to find a optimal parameter mix to improve the solder resist opening shape.We use cross section to find the solder resist top diameter and bottom diameter,then we can calculate the ratio of diameter as bottom diameter/top diameter.This study have a conclusion that there are three factor have sufficiently effect,they are parameter W of solder resist exposure process, parameter V of solder resist roller coating process and parameter Y of solder resist curing after developing process.Finally ,we verify the parameter mix of leg3 would be suitable for the requirement for quality demand.