Title: 應用限制理論方法評估產能設備擴充問題 ─以S公司太陽能廠為例
Using theory of constraints to evaluate the equipment quantity of capacity expansion– A Study of PV Plant
Authors: 邱顯哲
Chiu, Hsien-Che
Li, Rong-Kwei
Hong, Ruey-Yun
Keywords: 限制理論;產能平衡;瓶頸;設備投資單位成本;產出;Theory of Constraint;Line Balance;Bottleneck;Equipment investment unit cost;throughput
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 一般製造業在產能擴充時,機台購買的配置大部份是以Line Balance為考量,也就是提升瓶頸站產出以後,其餘各站以瓶頸為標竿平衡產能購置機台。本研究改以TOC(限制理論)-其平衡流量不要平衡產能概念,重新估算個案S公司2014年的擴產設備需求,比較其產能與設備投資成本上的差異,衡量的指標為”設備投資單位成本”。有別於在傳統工廠概念裡,過剩的或未用的產能通常被認為是多餘的花費或是浪費。TOC更強調當資源發生問題或變異時產能的保護。並且試驗最終在”Throughput” 與 “Throughput的變異”都有一定程度的有效改善。可供後續評估者參考。
In the general manufacturing industry, line balance is the major considered factor from the perspective of purchased machine setting while expanding the capacity. It means non-bottleneck station would take the bottleneck station as the benchmark for balancing the capacity to purchase the machine once increasing the throughput at the bottleneck station. This research is to use the concept extracted from TOC (theory of constraint) – To balance the flow instead of balance capacity for re-evaluating the equipment capacity expanding demand in case S company in 2014. Comparing the differences between capacity and equipment investment cost and the measurable indicator is “equipment investment cost per unit”. Different from the concept of the traditional factory, excess or unused capacity is usually considered as the extra cost or wasting. TOC pay more attention to the protection of capacity while problems or variations of resource occur. Finally, there is effective improvement on “Throughput” and “Throughput variation”. It could be reference for follow evaluators.
Appears in Collections:Thesis