標題: 全球在地化行銷策略實務探討: 越南星巴克之個案研究
A Case Study of Glocalization Practices in Marketing Strategy of Starbucks in Vietnamese Coffee War
作者: 阮胡玉
Nguyen, Ho-Ngoc
Huang, Shihping Kevin
關鍵字: 全球;glocalization
公開日期: 2013
摘要: With the rapid dynamic economic growth, Vietnam has been becoming a potential target for international companies to look for great business opportunities. Starbucks, the US giant coffee retailer, started to invest in this emerging market to expend its chains in the South East Asian countries. However, the chance is also a big challenge due to the unique and special Vietnamese coffee culture, which is a big barrier for any firms to penetrate in the market. In this research, the Marketing Segmentation (STP) and the Marketing Mix 4Ps’ were employed as analysis tools to investigate the glocalization practices that helped Starbucks adapt itself to the Vietnamese coffee culture in order to maintain the dominant in the global world. Since Starbucks first debuted in Feb 2013, it is too early to figure out exactly whether it could get the success in this competitive market. Nevertheless, Starbucks’ effort in the global strategic plan and local marketing activities could be a good example and potential model for other global companies who are planning to enter the Vietnamese market in the future. This could bring a win-win value exchange to both companies and Vietnamese economy.
With the rapid dynamic economic growth, Vietnam has been becoming a potential target for international companies to look for great business opportunities. Starbucks, the US giant coffee retailer, started to invest in this emerging market to expend its chains in the South East Asian countries. However, the chance is also a big challenge due to the unique and special Vietnamese coffee culture, which is a big barrier for any firms to penetrate in the market. In this research, the Marketing Segmentation (STP) and the Marketing Mix 4Ps’ were employed as analysis tools to investigate the glocalization practices that helped Starbucks adapt itself to the Vietnamese coffee culture in order to maintain the dominant in the global world. Since Starbucks first debuted in Feb 2013, it is too early to figure out exactly whether it could get the success in this competitive market. Nevertheless, Starbucks’ effort in the global strategic plan and local marketing activities could be a good example and potential model for other global companies who are planning to enter the Vietnamese market in the future. This could bring a win-win value exchange to both companies and Vietnamese economy.

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