標題: 台灣後進發展的資本空間延伸 -從竹南科學園區至南庄桂花巷為例
The Spaces of Capital in Late Development Taiwan- A Case Study from Jhunan Science Park to Keika Alley in Nanzhuang
作者: 莊景宇
Chuang, Ching-Yu
Pan, Mei-Lin
關鍵字: 後進發展;資本空間;科學園區;文化觀光產業;客家;南庄;Late Development;Spaces of Capital;Science Park;Cultural Tourism Industry;Hakka;Nanzhuang
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 本研究以台灣戰後經濟發展的脈絡出發,指出政府以新竹科學園區為範本,運用「園區化」的模式將台灣打造成科技矽島,並企圖複製相同的發展軌跡,從科學園區延伸至文化觀光產業。 科學園區與文化觀光產業依循著相似的軌跡發展,但是這兩者之間仍有本質上的差異。科學園區設置的目的是生產產品,強調的是生產層面;而文化觀光產業的產出則是一種消費的過程,強調的是消費層面。因此,本研究以資本空間的概念切入,將科學園區視為生產空間,而文化觀光產業是消費空間。在經濟的邏輯中,運用生產帶動消費,也利用消費刺激生產,所以在資本空間的脈絡下,會發現它們其實是相輔相成的關係。因此,本研究跳脫台灣後進發展僅限於科學園區(生產空間)的層面,將文化觀光產業(消費空間)帶入研究。 苗栗縣政府在2002年實施苗栗縣全面發展綜合計畫,企圖複製新竹科學園區的模式到竹南科學園區,也運用「園區化」的想像打造南庄的文化觀光產業,並計畫將竹南、頭份、造橋、三灣及南庄連結為苗北生活圈。對照資本空間的概念,可以將發展科學園區的竹南視為生產空間;推動文化觀光產業的南庄視為消費空間。因此本研究以竹南科學園區與南庄的桂花巷為研究對象,指出台灣後進發展不只是科學園區(生產空間)需要追趕,連文化觀光產業(消費空間)也在不斷追趕的狀態。並透過竹南與南庄的產業政策分析、竹南與南庄的地方(社區)歷史發展,以及到南庄桂花巷進行深度訪談與田野觀察作為研究方法。發現台灣後進發展從科學園區至文化觀光產業的「園區化」迷思,以及以「社區發展總體營造」推動文化觀光產業的矛盾與局限,並透過竹南科學園區與南庄桂花巷的關係為例,開展產業研究的資本空間面向。
In the context of economic development in Post-War Taiwan, the study is aimed to point out the government, which takes Hsinchu Science Park as a paradigm and builds a silicon island by mode of “park complex-ization”(Yuanquhua園區化), attempts to copy the same paradigm/mode from the Science Park to cultural tourism industry. The Science Park and cultural tourism industry in Taiwan follow a similar developmental trajectory; however, there is a difference in essence between the former and the latter. The purpose of the Science Park is to product goods, and to present factor of production. In contrast, the cultural tourism industry presents a process of consumption and factor of consumption. This study considers Science Park to be production space, and cultural tourism industry as consumption space with the concept of spaces of capital. Taking the interpretation of spaces of capital, the process of production and consumption is indispensable and mutually reinforcing. Therefore, this study considers both of the Science Park (production space) and cultural tourism industry (consumption space) in late development Taiwan. In 2002, Miaoli County Government has executed its county comprehensive development plan. It tries to copy the mode of Hsinchu Science Park to Jhunan, builds the cultural tourism industry in Nanzhuang with an imagination of “park complex-ization” (Yuanquhua園區化). The county plan also constructs a living circle of northern Miaoli including Jhunan, Toufen, Zaoqiao, Sanwan and Nanzhuang. Consequently, the concept of spaces of capital represents Jhunan as production space and Nanzhuang as consumption space. By interviewing and participant observing to exemplify Jhunan and Nanzhuang, the relationship of Jhunan Science Park and Keika Alley in Nanzhuang with policy and historical analysis, this study points out the Science Park (production space) and cultural tourism industry (consumption space) run/move after mutually in late development era. Additionally, coping with the enigma of “park complex-ization”(Yuanquhua園區化) from the Science Park to cultural tourism industry, along with the dilemma of community empowerment which promotes cultural tourism industry. Finally, this study conducts the industry research of spaces of capital orientation.