標題: 汽車維修服務之績效管理與顧客滿意度分析-以A公司為例
Performance Management and Customer Satisfaction Analysis of Car Maintenance Service- A Case of Company A
作者: 劉美伶
Liu, Mei-Lin
Chiou, Yu-Chiun
關鍵字: 汽車維修服務;顧客滿意度;問卷調查;Car maintenance service;Customer satisfaction;Questionnaire servey
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 服務競爭力已被視為企業價值的一環,是各行業極為重視的一部份。甚至屬於製造類的汽車業也倍受重視,顧客滿意度不僅受汽車本身的性能表現及口碑影響,在顧客購買之後所接受到的維修服務也會影響滿意度。這也是所有汽車經銷商致力提昇維修服務的原因。因此,汽車經銷商為了解顧客對其提供服務的感知服務品質並為辨識出潛在於顧客感知與顧客期望之間的服務差距以求得改善,多數的汽車經銷商和汽車維修公司都會在車主進廠維修保養後進行問卷調查。然而,多數這類的調查僅有統計數據而得出之滿意度,缺少深入的分析。基於此,本研究主要提出汽車維修問卷調查之統計流程和統計分析架構。 為此,本研究取得汽車代銷A公司之長期及全國性之問卷資料。分析後也找出影響顧客滿意度之潛在因素。結果顯示「服務廠區域」、「服務廠廠級」、「服務人員級別」、「季節性活動」、「有費台數達成率」、「車位稼動力」及「車齡」對顧客滿意度有顯著影響。本研究也相對提出為提升汽車維修服務品質及問卷調查之改善策略。
Service competitiveness plays an important role in the enterprise value of every industry nowadays. Even for the automotive market, a manufacture industry, customer satisfaction is not only affected by the car performance and reputation, but also by the maintaneance service right after the purchasement. That’s why all car dealers devote themselves in enhancing their maintenance service. Therefore, in order to understand how customers perceive maintenance service quality and to identify potential gaps between perceived and expected service quality for improvement, most of car dealers and car maintaneance companies will conduct a questionnaire survey on car owner right after he received car maintenance. However, most of these surveys are satistically analyzed for the percentage of satisfaction, lack of indepth analysis. Based on this, this study aims to propose a statistical procedure and framework for conducting statistical analysis of questionnaire survey with regard to car maintenance. To do so, a long-term and nationwise questionnaire suvey dataset of a car dealer, namely Company A, is collected. Potential contributing factors to customer satisfaction are also indentified. The results show that area and level of maintenance firm, level of mechanic, seasonal campaign, numbers of customer-pay-visits, turnover rate of maintenance space, and vintage of car, have significant effect on customer satisfaction. Improvement strategies for enhancing car maintenance service quality as well as the questionnaire survey are then proposed accordingly.