標題: 房屋仲介業售後服務滿意度調查-以A公司為例
After-sales Service Customer Satisfaction Survey of Real Eatate Industry: A Company as a Case
作者: 王九思
wang chiu-szu
William Jen
關鍵字: 房屋仲介;服務品質;顧客滿意度;Realtors;Service;Customer Satisfaction
公開日期: 2014
摘要: 根據行政院主計處統計顯示,台灣服務業生產毛額已佔全國GDP比重七成以上,且逐年增加,對國內的經濟發展具有重要影響力。房屋仲介在服務業中為少數高總價交易之服務業,專業度高,攸關顧客權益甚大。房仲業在台灣經營日趨成熟,競爭相當激烈,各品牌仲介對服務品質之提升更是各業者努力的目標,顧客在選擇仲介業者時,亦注重服務品質,故服務的優劣也成為經營成功與否的關鍵;但各品牌服務大都主要強調於成交前的服務或安全保障制度,對於成交後的服務著墨反較不多,都轉交由地政士服務,故希望藉由A房屋仲介業某時段服務缺失調查,了解成交後容易發生之服務缺失原因。本研究係以客戶觀點,了解客戶透過房屋仲介服務成交後較常發生之服務缺失之環節為何?並針對服務缺失進一步分析,供業者找出內外部營運服務上改善與建議。
According to DGBAS statistics show that Taiwan's gross national GDP, service sector production accounted for over 70% and is increasing year by year , the domestic economic development has an important influence. Real estate brokerage services in the service sector is the total price of the transaction a few high , professional and high customer equity stake great , Realty industry matures operating in Taiwan , the competition is fierce , the brand agency to improve service quality is each target industry efforts , customers in the selection of brokers industry , but also pay attention to quality of service , so the merits of the service has become the key to business success or failure ; but students to observe , all brand service most major emphasis on service or security system deal before for service after anti- inked deal than the few , who are referred by the Lands services , it is hoped that through a period of real estate industry service missing a survey to find missing service prone to reason with the customer after the transaction perspective. This study take A company as a case, to understanding the key links of the service failure occur more frequently after the customer service transactions. And doing further analysis to identify improvements for the industry and recommendations on internal and external operations services.