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dc.contributor.authorShih, Ta Chungen_US
dc.contributor.authorChen, Quang-Hwaen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著網路技術的發展進步迅速,漸漸地改變了人類的消費習慣,開始讓網路變成人與人相互交換訊息的主要來源。藉由網路行銷方式的運用,網路商家不僅可以透過連結、部落格、宣傳方式等工具來增加消費者的網路服飾商品的曝光率。近年,國人的購物習慣改變,使得台灣服飾業逐漸轉變,在網路購買服飾的行為逐年盛行,本研究將針對網路品牌服飾進行研究,了解網路行銷方式是否會影響台北市男性大專院校學生的消費行為,研究以線上族群為調查對象,共回收424份有效問卷進行統計分析,了解台北市男性大專院校學生透過網路行銷方式的干擾在網路上購買休閒品牌服飾的消費情況,以及網路行銷方式與消費實態是否有正向關係存在。   研究結果發現:1.「連結性」對台北市男性大專院校學生的「購買次數」、「購買金額」、「購買品牌」、「購買數量」呈現正相關;2.「銷售形式」對台北市男性大專院校學生的「購買次數」、「購買金額」、「購買品牌」、「購買數量」呈現正相關;3.「網頁布置」對台北市男性大專院校學生的「購買次數」、「購買金額」、「購買品牌」、「購買數量」呈現正相關;4.「對話分享」對台北市男性大專院校學生的「購買次數」、「購買金額」、「購買品牌」、「購買數量」呈現正相關。根據本節的總合研究成果可以得知,消費者受到網路行銷方式而影響其消費行為,而不同人口統計變數的消費者對於服飾的產品屬性、消費實上有顯著差異,因此本研究建議網路休閒品牌服飾業者,可以針對不同族群訂定不同的市場區隔與行銷策略,也可以透過像是部落格的宣傳推廣,有效吸引更多消費者的目光。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe development of internet technology has changed the ways of Purchasing. It has also become the main source of communication and information. The way of Internet Marketing, as an internet tool, vendors on the internet can use the advertising tools like web connection and the blogs to increase the explosure of it’s production or brand. In recent years, with the purchasing methods changing, apparel industry in Taiwan must begain to face the problem of business transformation. The way that clothes shopping on the internet has started to spread. This study takes the performance branding clothes on the internet for investigation, discussing the influence of consumer behavior toward the male college students in Taipei City, the sample of this research is from network survey, and received 424 efficient questionnaires. This study comes out with some conclusion and suggestions as follows: 1. The connectivity of the internet marketing is positively correlated with consumption frequency, brand, quantity and amount. 2. The Selling form of the internet marketing is positively correlated with consumption frequency, brand, quantity and amount. 3. The decoration of web of the internet marketing is positively correlated with consumption frequency, brand, quantity and amount. 4. The interaction and sharing of the internet marketing is positively correlated with consumption frequency, brand, quantity and amount. In conclusion, this study provides some suggestions and recommendations for the supervisor of branding clothes on the internet in managing or planning the marketing strategies, and the future potential study is also recommended at the end.en_US
dc.subjectNet Marketingen_US
dc.subjectConsumer Behavioren_US
dc.subjectPerformance Branding Clothesen_US
dc.titleThe Influence of the Internet Marketing on Consumer Behavior for the purchasing brand clothes—The Case of the Taipei City male college studentsen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis