标题: 一个实现车载网路GeoBroadcast功能的软体定义网路架构
A Software Defined Network Architecture For GeoBroadcast in VANET
作者: 刘郁均
Liu, Yu-Chun
Chen, Chien
关键字: 车载网路;软体定义网路;路侧单元;GeoBroadcast;OpenFlow;Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks;Software-Defined Network;Roadside Unit;GeoBroadcast;OpenFlow
公开日期: 2014
摘要: 在此篇论文中我们实作车载网路GeoBroadcast功能的软体定义网路架构,在传统IP网路中,路侧单元收到的所有警告讯息皆会转送给控制中心,控制中心必须处理所有警告讯息,并且将讯息转送至位于目的地内的路侧单元,路侧单元在广播此讯息,因此造成控制中心庞大的负担,并且消耗大量的网路频宽。在SDN架构之中,我们实现了一个应用程式能够自动管理路侧单元位置资讯,控制器利用实验性讯息(Vendor)来取得路侧单元的位置资讯,作为GeoBroadcast决定路由目的地之依据。当SDN控制器收到第一个来自路侧单元的警告讯息时,控制器利用拓朴与地理位置资讯取得路由路径,并且在目的地区域内受影响之路侧单元加入路由规则,后续的警告讯息不需要再传递给控制器,只需依照路由规则将讯息传递至目的地即可。另外我们实作两个应用程式,其中,路侧单元视觉化应用程式可将路侧单元显示于Google map之上。而警告讯息通知应用程式可让管理者针对特定区域发出警告讯息。最后我们在OpenNet上模拟并且评估其效能,证实一个实现车载网路GeoBroadcast功能的软体定义网路可以大幅降低控制器的负担、讯息延迟时间和整体网路频宽的消耗。
In this thesis, we propose a Software Defined Network (SDN) architecture for GeoBroadcast in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs). In a traditional IP network, RSU receives warning messages and redirect all messages up to a control center. The control center response to process and forward every warning messages dwon to RSUs whithin the destination area for geobroadcast. Therefore, it cause a huge overhead on the control center and increase network bandwidth consumption. In our SDN architecture, we implement an application in a controller to automatically manage the locations of Roadside Units (RSUs). The controller uses a Vendor type message to get the RSUs’ geographic location, which is used as a basis for our GeoBroadcast routing. While the SDN controller received the first warning message from a RSU, it will use topology and geography information to setup the routing paths on the corresponding SDN switches to the destination RSUs. For the subsequent warning message, they can follow these paths without going through the controller. We also implement two applications, one of which is RSU Visualization APP and the other being an emergency notification APP. The first APP shows the RSUs’ locations on Google map, and the second provides an administrator to send warning messages to specific region. Finally we simulate and evaluate its effectiveness on the OpenNet. We prove that a software defined network architecture for GeoBroadcast can reduce controller overhead, message latency, and network bandwidth consumption.