標題: 漢語他動動詞「推」與「拉」詞彙語意研究
A Lexical Semantic Study of TUI and LA in Mandarin
作者: 洪宛儀
Hung, Wan-Yi
Liu, Mei-chun
關鍵字: 漢語「推」字;漢語「拉」字;漢語推拉他動動詞;框架語意學;詞彙語意學;語意擴展;概念隱喻理論;原型理論;Mandarin TUI;Mandarin LA;Mandarin Push/Pull Verbs;Frame Semantics;Lexical Semantics;Semantic Extensions;Conceptual Metaphor Theory;Prototype Theory
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 本研究試圖從詞彙語意學的角度來探討漢語他動動詞「推」與「拉」的研究。主要會探討三個主要議題:1)漢語他動動詞「推」與「拉」以及其他原型他動動詞的語意區分;2) 深入討論漢語他動動詞「推」與「拉」跟時貌標記如「著」的相關性;3) 試圖解釋「推」與「拉」的多種語意擴展之關聯。 根據李(2007)的原型他動動詞移動事件之研究,我們可以區分及解釋他動動詞「推」與「拉」以及其他原型他動動詞的語意及句法的不同。他動動詞「推」與「拉」通常會比較側重主事者和受事者之間的致使施力(causing event),而其他原型他動動詞比較側重受事者的移動事件(motion event)。進一步結合李(2007)與Talmy(2000),我們可以很明確的區分「推」與「拉」跟時貌標記「著」一起使用的語意區別。當「推」與「拉」單獨呈現時,通常會比較側重致使事件,而當致使事件變成只是表現出一種移動方式(Manner)時,也就是說在句法上「推」與「拉」跟時貌標記「著」一起使用的情況之下([推/拉+著]),通常會強調受事者的移動方式(manner-with-motion)。 最後結合了框架語意(Fillmore and Atkins 1992)、原型理論(Rosch 1973)及概念隱喻理論(Lakoff and Johnson 1980, Langacker 1987),我們探討了「推」與「拉」語意之句法的相關連性。為框架詞彙語意理論,本研究提出了一個概念上的架構來描述「推」與「拉」延伸語意之間的相關連性,也推論了「推」與「拉」的意思都是種這個原型語意延伸出來的概念,也對「推」與「拉」之間的延伸語意提出了一個系統性及原則性的分析。 鑑於認知詞彙語意的角度,本研究提供了一個系統性的框架來分析動詞語意,也呈現了不同的語言在詞彙化過程中也會有不同的語意選擇與延伸;因此,本研究反映詞彙擴展的多意性。
This study attempts to investigate three issues: 1) to distinguish and explain the distinct semantic and syntactic differences between a prototypical caused-motion verb with those of tuī 推 ‘push’ and lā 拉 ‘pull;’ 2) to discuss the aspectual correlations of tuī 推 ‘push’ and lā 拉 ‘pull;’ and 3) to explain the interrelationship of the multiplex metaphorical extensions of tuī 推 ‘push’ and lā 拉 ‘pull.’ Based on Li (2007), we can distinguish and explain the distinct semantic and syntactic differences between a prototypical caused-motion verb with those of tuī 推 ‘push’ and lā 拉 ‘pull,’ where the former profiles the motion event focusing on the physical translocation of the Moved Entity, while the latter profiles the causing event stressing on the force interaction between the Agent and the Moved Entity. With further incorporation of Li (2007) and Talmy (2000), we’ve presented the distinction of tuī 推 ‘push’ and lā 拉 ‘pull’ with or without the co-occurrence of aspectual marker zhe著by showing that without zhe著, tuī 推 ‘push’ and lā 拉 ‘pull’ typically emphasizes on the causing event; however, with zhe著, the causing event becomes an event that only demonstrates a kind of Manner. Therefore, based on Talmy (2000), we can thus view [tuī/lā+zhe] as demonstrating a kind of motion-with-manner. By merging Frame Semantics (Fillmore and Atkins 1992), Prototype Theory (Rosch 1973) and Conceptual Metaphor Theory (Lakoff and Johnson 1980, Langacker 1987), we can examine the semantic-to-syntactic correlations between the various senses of tuī 推 ‘push’ and lā 拉 ‘pull.’ On the basis of frame-based verbal semantic approach, this paper further provides a conceptual schema to depict the interrelationship of the multiple senses of tuī 推 ‘push’ and lā 拉 ‘pull’ and provides a systematic and principled analysis of conceptualizing these multiplex metaphorical extensions with related cognitive-frame elements. In light of a cognitive-semantic approach of lexical semantics, this study provides a systematic and unified framework in analyzing and representing verbal semantics and further representing a clear case study that shows different languages have different manipulations of lexical senses; therefore, reflecting the multiple senses of lexical extensions.


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