標題: 飛彈攔截機動目標之導引律設計
Design of Missile Guidance Laws to Intercept Maneuvering Target
作者: 盧健勝
Chien-Sheng Lu
Dr. Yon-Ping Chen
關鍵字: 比例導引率;真比例導引率;純比例導引率;自動駕駛儀;視線距離;灰色模型;Proportional Navigation;True Proportional Navigation;Pure Proportional Navigation;Autopilot);Line of sight;Grey Model
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 飛彈飛行導引路徑係藉由飛彈導引律完成。在這篇論文中的主要目的是研究飛彈攔截機動目標物的導引律問題。飛彈導引律設計最常使用的是比例導引律,此比例導引律的基礎主要是運用視線角的變化率來達到飛彈攔截非機動目標。但針對具機動飛行之目標物,本論文將運用飛彈與目標的相對距離及相對速度,甚至目標加速度等資訊,設計另一個有效導引律來導引飛彈準確摧毀目標。
Guidance of missile flying is performed by guidance laws (GLs). The main purpose of this paper is studying the problem of missile guidance laws to intercept maneuvering target. The most popular guidance laws are the proportional navigation (PN) laws. The proportional navigation guidance laws based on missile-target line of sight (LOS) angular rate is present for intercepting a nonmaneuvering target. For intercepting a maneuvering target, another effective way is to design guidance law. The guidance is accurate to implement for its depending on the information of relative range, relative velocity and even target’s acceleration.
In this thesis, not only to build the mathematical model of the missile system, but also study the effectiveness of missile interception via different know proportional navigation control laws such as Proportional Navigation(PN), Pure Proportional Navigation(PPN) and True Proportional Navigation(TPN). In addition, we will study the predictive acceleration of maneuvering target flight trajectory for missile interception by using grey prediction theory. For the researches about the design of missile guidance laws to intercept maneuvering target, this paper will also provide a few simple achievements and reference.