標題: 新北市公共工程開口契約經營現況與策略研究-以承包商角度探討為例
A Study of Business Strategies of Indefinite Delivery Contracts Based on Public Constructed Facilities in New Taipei City - A Research Viewpoint From Contractors
作者: 楊雅清
Yang, Ya-Ching
關鍵字: 公共工程;開口契約;Public Construciton;Indefinite Delivery Contracts
公開日期: 2014
摘要: 本研究以曾經參與新北市公共工程開口契約之承包商為研究對象,藉由問卷調查研析新北市開口契約經營現況與執行策略;問卷調查亦有開放性問答,對於開口契約在執行上所可能面臨之困難及課題,提供日後相關業者參考;總計發放89家承包商,有效回收32家,問卷採不記名方式回收。 透過32家問卷資料分析,可彙整出四項發現;(1)開口契約大多採最低標決標,而同業競爭激烈之情況造成低價搶標嚴重,使得工程利潤有減少趨勢,而近三年(民國100、101、102年)整體平均獲利有0-10%左右;(2)承包商與業主及設計監造單位彼此間充分合作,三方達成共識可使工程如期進行;(3)執行開口契約主要面臨之困難為人力方面(工資上漲、人力斷層、工時工期不定造成調度不易);政策方面(奔走於業主及設計監造單位之間,凡彼此間必須擁有信任感及良好的溝通,方可降低施工誤差);(4)面對競爭逐年增加,承包商競爭策略主要採「區域性策略」(集中承攬特定地區或特定工程)及「降低成本策略」,其中又以降低人事成本為主。
This paper is to investigate the contractors who have worked for the public construction project of the New Taipei City. The research will proceed by questionnaire to study the operation and the implementation strategy of Indefinite Delivery Contracts. The questionnaire insists open-ended questions regarding the discussion of the difficulty in proceeding the Indefinite Delivery Contracts, providing a reference for the related industry. The questionnaires target on total 89 companies in the industries and there are 32 valid feedbacks. All questionnaires are collected without the requirement of marked identity. The results can mainly grouped as the following: 1. Most of the Indefinite Delivery Contracts are confirmed with the one of the lowest amount of cost. Thus, the project profits are becoming lower and lower under severe competition. The average overall net profit is about 0-10% only in the year of 2011, 2012 and 2013. 2. Sufficient communication between owner, constructor and designer can enhance smooth operation of the projects. 3. Operating Indefinite Delivery Contracts is mainly facing the difficulty of human resources (rising of the salary, difficult to hire people, unstable working period leads to difficult working arrangement) .The problem of the policy guildances (the communciations between owner and planning and construction department should be improve to decrease the numbers of constructions errors. 4. The constructors will imply “district strategy”, i.e focus of some district areas or specific projects only. Implies “lower cost policy” and try to lower the cost of workers.