標題: 專業協力廠商經營作法之探討
Study on the Operations of Construction Subcontractors
作者: 沈煥鈞
Shen, Huan-Jyun
Wang, Wei-Chih
關鍵字: 協力廠商;營造廠;發包工程;經營作法;Subcontractor;contractor;bidding
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 在營造廠發包工程以選擇適當之協力廠商時,營造廠通常會邀請過去有合作經驗之協力廠商進行報價,或尋求其他營造廠介紹,有時協力廠商亦會主動尋求工程業務。過去國內營造廠在發包工程時多以價格為主要考量因素,或者營造廠對於協力廠商的要求也僅針對施工品質與速度等方面,鮮少對於承包工程業務之協力廠商之經營狀況(例如人力與資金周轉是否充足)進行實質審查。近年來業界常有因營造廠在協力廠商的選擇不當,造成營建工程在施工階段時出現怠工之情形,故選擇適當之協力廠商極為重要。 本研究首先根據過去營造廠發包工程之相關研究,找出營造廠在選商過程時的考慮因素,透過鋼筋工程與模板工程協力廠商之專家訪談,進一步確認營造廠選擇協力廠商的因素以及協力廠商考慮承包業務時之考慮因素,之後,針對上述二種協力廠商,比較各因素之差異,並探討協力廠商與營造廠互動過程,對於協力廠商經營作法之影響,包括承包工程業務的影響因素、可能遭遇之困難與解決方法。 主要研究結果顯示,造成協力廠商在施工階段出現問題的主因有可能是當營造廠指定協力廠商時,雖協力廠商覺得承接該業務並不適當(例如人力不足),但又因人情壓力(或擔心斷掉後續合作關係),故而答應承接;或者亦可能歸因於營造廠對於協力廠商之經營狀況欠缺完整了解。另外,根據訪談發現,協力廠商自我要求施工速度與品質的情況已有所提升,但由於營造業目前缺工情形嚴重,故而協力廠商有時無法找到的具水準之技術工班與分包商,換言之,協力廠商施工不佳(例如怠工情形)之問題亦可歸因於所合作的技術工班與分包商之素質不佳。
As a general contractor opens the bid to the general public in search of cooperative partners, it's a common practice for a general contractor to invite subcontractors with whom it had prior relationship to participate in the bidding process, or seek referral. It's also common for subcontractors to actively seek out opportunities without being invited. The domestic general contractors' main criterion for bid is cost, or quality and efficiency, but rarely would general contractors be concerned about the staffing and financial well-being of the subcontractors. As a result, general contractors often do not scrutinize the aforementioned factors. The lack of staffing and operating capital have become a serious problem in recent years, because without adequate staffing and operating capital, it is difficult to maintain smooth operation and project continuity. The primary research is based on a survey of previously-published research articles which focus on the general contractors' bidding processes and their evaluation criteria. Interviews with contractors who specialize in rebar reinforcing bar engineering and template engineering were conducted to further understand and identify the factors which are most influential in the decision-making process. The main finding of this research indicates that the key elements which cause a project to be in a quandary during the construction phase are attributed to the lack of comprehensive evaluation on whether the contractors are able to handle the scale of the project; subcontractors agreeing to enter the bid as a result of peer pressure; and the lack of adequate labor and capital resources to carry the project from start to finish, even though the subcontractors are able to meet the quality and efficiency requirements. In other words, the lack of quality and continuity is a consequence of skilled labor and subcontractors.
Appears in Collections:Thesis