標題: 以骨架及手勢特徵為基礎之使用者驗證方法
A Skeleton and Gesture Based User Authentication Method
作者: 李雪汾
Lee, Hsueh-Fen
Huang, Jiun-Long
關鍵字: 使用者驗證;生物識別;Xtion;自然操作;自然操作介面;User Authentication;Physiological and Behavioral Biometrics;Xtion;Natural Interaction;Natural User Interface
公開日期: 2014
摘要: 近年來,隨著深度感測技術的發展,深度感測器被廣泛的應用於各種具有 Natural User Interface (NUI) 的應用。 比起傳統的圖形化使用者介面 (GUI) , NUI 提供了更簡單、直覺的操作方式,讓使用者可以透過自然的肢體動作或手勢與機器進行互動,不必借助於其它的控制器(例如:鍵盤、滑鼠)。 在本篇論文中,我們提出了以生物特徵 (Biometrics) 及密碼為基礎且符合 NUI 的使用者驗證方法。 我們使用 Xtion 深度感測器分別擷取人體骨架資訊和使用者設定的密碼手勢作為辨識依據。 人體骨架資訊屬於生物物理特徵 (Physiological Biometrics) ,我們計算各個相鄰的關節間距離作為骨架特徵,這種特徵具有相當程度的個人代表性。 另一方面,使用者必須註冊一組手勢作為密碼,以手於空中比劃的方式將密碼輸入,透過深度感應器將手於空中移動的軌跡記錄下來,並使用 DTW 演算法進行比對來驗證身分。 密碼手勢同時具有密碼特性及生物行為特徵 (Behavioral Biometrics) ,有極高的個人獨特性且不易被破解。 在骨架特徵方面,我們探討了不同的骨架特徵對驗證精準度的影響,而在密碼手勢部分,我們提出了三種不同的策略來解決擷取手勢時的雜訊問題。 實驗結果顯示,選擇部分誤差比率較低的骨架特徵結合密碼手勢驗證可以達到很低的誤判率 (FRR=0.3%) ,可以適用於大部分對安全要求偏高的驗證系統(例如:門禁系統)。
Recently, with the development of depth sense technologies, depth sensors such as Kinect, Xtion are widely used in various applications which support Natural User Interface (NUI). Instead of using controllers (ex. mouses and keyboards), the NUI applications provide an easier way to interact with machines. In this paper, we propose a methodology to authenticate user using Xtion, the depth sensor provided by ASUS. The method recognizes people by skeleton and gesture data. To get skeleton features, we extract the positions of users' joints and calculate the length of each adjacent joint pairs Also, feature selection is performed to improve the accuracy of authentication. In addition, users are required to set their own password pattern and draw it in the air through their hands to be tracked by Xtion. We propose three strategies to eliminate noises during pattern trackings. After these efforts, we get the gesture data of password and are ready to use DTW algorithm to measure similarity between gestures. Experimental results show that our method can achieve very low FRR and promise high-level security.
Appears in Collections:Thesis