标题: 以EtherCAT通讯网路达成伺服马达之远端控制器参数调整
Remote Tuning of Controller Parameters for Servo Motors through EtherCAT
作者: 林昱安
Lin, Yu-An
Hsu, Pau-Lo
关键字: EtherCAT;CANOpen;SPI;EtherCAT;CANOpen;SPI
公开日期: 2014
摘要: 将运算、通讯和控制单元透过网路作整合,以方便系统的建立与管理,进而提高系统的整合度与便利性,乃是控制系统的一大趋势。本研究建立乙太网路控制自动化技术EtherCAT (Ethernet for control automation technology)通讯介面,并整合EtherCAT通讯网路与伺服马达控制系统,以远端下达控制命令与进行控制器参数调整。
本研究使用DSP与EtherCAT Slave Controller (ESC) 建立具EtherCAT通讯网路的伺服马达控制系统。首先,说明以DSP编排SPI同步串列时序,将资料读出或写入ESC完成初步的资料交换。之后在DSP实现EtherCAT状态机来达成资料传输的安全性。完成EtherCAT通讯网路的基本功能后,对EtherCAT通讯网路与伺服马达控制系统进行整合。在原有的伺服马达控制回路外加入独立的EtherCAT资料交换中断回路,使得EtherCAT 主站可以下达控制命令和读取响应。最后,对伺服马达控制系统进行QFT与PID控制器的设计提升系统效能。当系统效能大幅降低时,以EtherCAT主站传送重新设计QFT控制器参数使系统效能回升。
In this thesis, an Ethernet for control automation technology (EtherCAT) slave controller (ESC) is integrated with a DSP (digital signal processor) servo motor control system using EtherCAT. The specific time sequence for data exchange with the ESC is thus constructed with the arrangement of SPI in the DSP. Then, the EtherCAT state machine is realized on the DSP to guarantee safety of data transmission over the EtherCAT for motion command and feedback messages. In addition to the basic functions of EtherCAT, integration of EtherCAT communication network and the servo motor control system requires the additional independent interrupt loop out of the servo motor control loop for data exchanges between the two systems. Thus, the EtherCAT master may assign commands to the EtherCAT slave and read the response of the servo motor system for condition monitoring. Finally, both PID and QFT controllers are introduced with a newly designed SDO to enhance system performance. When system performance is significantly degraded, coefficients of the redesigned controller are derived and directly transmitted to the EtherCAT slave to improve system performance.