标题: 氮化矽层抑制氮化镓成长于(111)矽基板之回熔蚀刻现象研究
The study of the effect of silicon nitride layer on inhibiting meltback etching phenomenon for growth of GaN on Si(111)
作者: 张守谅
Chang, Shou-Liang
Chang, Li
关键字: 氮化矽;氮化镓;矽基板;回熔蚀刻;Silicon nitride;GaN;Si(111);meltback etching
公开日期: 2014
摘要: 异质磊晶氮化镓(GaN)于矽(Si)晶片可应用于高功率半导体元件,其中GaN/ (111)Si为重要的结构,但直接成长GaN于Si基板上,高温时Ga与Si会发生回熔蚀刻(meltback etching)反应,破坏基板平整度及磊晶品质,目前多使用氮化铝(AlN)以改善此状况。本论文探讨GaN/Si结构(111)采用氮化矽(Si3N4)中间层抑制回熔蚀刻之效果,在许多半导体制程中Si3N4为良好扩散阻障层的材料,且β相氮化矽(β-Si3N4)与Si(111)基板晶格非常匹配。
本论文形成Si3N4层的制程,皆在有机金属化学气相沉积(MOCVD)系统中进行,分别使用下列三种Si3N4层的制程与结构: (1)高温氮化Si基板,(2)高温氮化并镀上AlN层,(3)矽烷(silane,SiH4)与氨气(HN3)反应沉积Si3N4。后续在不同温度成长GaN,观察不同制程之Si3N4抑制回熔蚀刻的效果。透过扫描式电子显微镜(SEM)观察表面及横截面;X光绕射(XRD)分析GaN结晶状况;扫描穿透式电子显微镜(STEM)观察高温氮化的Si3N4界面;X光反射率(XRR)及X光光电子能谱仪(XPS)分析Si3N4膜厚和化学组成。
从实验结果发现高温氮化Si基板可形成2.5 ~ 3.5 nm的Si3N4层,且低温成长GaN时,不会有回熔蚀刻反应,然而在高温成长GaN阶段,基板部分区域皆有回熔蚀刻的现象发生。在高温氮化Si基板并搭配低温AlN,Si3N4层厚度为1.7 ~ 2.5 nm,低温AlN厚度为30 nm,两者结合则能完全抑制回熔蚀刻。反应沉积得到厚度为13 nm的Si3N4,不论是否加入高温AlN,皆无观察到回熔蚀刻,表示13 nm厚的Si3N4足以完全抑制此现象发生。
GaN on Si(111) is an important structure in high-power devices for which heteroepitaxy of GaN on Si plays a critical role in the device fabrication. However, direct growth of GaN on Si may accompany with meltback etching reaction on Si which deteriorate the film qualities with rough surface morphologies. Conventional approach to prevent Si from meltback etching has used an AlN buffer layer on Si prior to GaN growth. In this thesis, we explored the effect of Si3N4 on meltback etching for GaN on Si as Si3N4 has been proved to be an excellent diffusion barrier in many semiconductor processes, and the lattice parameter of β phase Si3N4 can match well with Si(111).
In this work, the formation of Si3N4 layer on 2-inch Si(111) was carried out in an MOCVD system, and three different processing conditions with structure were studied : 1. thermal nitridation of Si(111) with nitrogen-containing gas, 2. thermal nitridation followed by deposition of an AlN layer, and 3. deposition of Si3N4 by reaction of SiH4 and NH3. The subsequent growth of GaN were done at different temperature to study the effect of Si3N4 on inhibiting meltback etching. The morphology and crystallinity of GaN were characterized with scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The GaN/Si3N4/Si interfacial structure in the nitrided samples were examined with scanning transmission electron microscopy. The film thickness and chemical bonding of deposited Si3N4 were characterized with X-ray reflectivity (XRR) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.
The experimental results show that Si3N4 formed by nitridation has a thickness of 2.5 - 3.5 nm, on which GaN growth at low temperature can be obtained with no evidence for meltback etching, while high-temperature growth of GaN results in meltback etching to occur in some portion of the surface area on the substrate. The thermal nitridation may not effectively inhibit meltback etching. For the bilayer structure consisting of the thermally nitrided Si3N4 layer (~ 1.7 - 2.8 nm thick) covered with a 30 nm thick AlN layer, no meltback etching has been observed after GaN growth at high temperature. For GaN growth on the 13 nm thick amorphous Si3N4 layer deposited with reaction of SiH4 with NH3 on Si, the evidence for meltback etching has not been found even after high-temperature GaN growth without AlN insertion.