Title: 非加壓式血壓與心跳量測系統應用於手部抗震與臉部之微型化設計
Design and Implementation of a Miniaturized Photoplethysmography (PPG) System for Non-Pressurized Blood Pressure and Heart Rate Measurement on Face and Vibrating Finger.
Authors: 邱暐淳
Chiu, Wei-Chun
Huang, Sheng-Chieh
Keywords: 光體積變化描述波形;微循環;血壓;心跳;PPG;photoplethysmography;blood pressure;heart rate
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: 光體積描述訊號(PPG)是根據量測物質決定光源並且對於人體皮膚末梢血管血液量變化而產生波行訊號。因PPG訊號是根據人體末梢血管變化量產生,因此可利用PPG訊號來分析及計算生理參數。 在本研究中提出利用類比多工器來減少多通到PPG系統類比端電路元件暨實現系統。進一步利用本論文所提出系統所量測到的PPG訊號,並且進行一系列分析研究。包含利用左臉頰PPG訊號來分析受測者該量測部位心跳以及血壓;並且可以處理當受測者晃動中所量測到的PPG訊號並且重建時域波形,在本實驗中受測位置為左手食指並且在晃動幅度在5到10公分左右下收取PPG訊號進行時域波形重建,同時分析其心跳以及血壓值。
The generation of photoplethysmography(PPG) signal is based on the acroteric microcirculatory blood and the wavelength designed for the measurement of specific elements. The PPG signal can be used to analyze and calculate the physiological parameter because it is and the wavelength designed for the measurement of specific elements In this study, it proposes a multichannel PPG measurement hardware platform system with the analog multiplexer to reduce others analog elements. Further, using the measured data which is acquired from the system is used to perform series analyses, such as heart rate and blood pressure with PPG signal [1] acquired from individuals’ left cheek. Besides, this system can measure the motion PPG signal which is obtained from the index finger of the left hand with about 5 to 10 cm shaking to analyze the heart rate and blood pressure.
Appears in Collections:Thesis