標題: 使用無線光通訊的安卓應用程序和微控制單元
Optical Wireless Communication using Android Program and Microcontroller Unit(MCU)
作者: 廖鎮文
Liao, Zhen-Wen
Chow, Chi-Wai
關鍵字: 光無線通訊;紅外線;安卓應用程式;Optical Wireless;Infrared;Android App
公開日期: 2014
摘要: 近年來智慧型手機與電腦已經成為個人的標準配備以及無線網路的普遍,這些消費性產品已與我們有著密切的關聯,且在手機與電腦以及其他的消費性電子產品之間的資料傳輸也成為我們生活的一部分了。 因此本篇論文針對不可見光通訊紅外線裝置作為應用,由Android 手機與簡易App透過音源裝置輸出來驅動紅外線發射器作為遙控以及觸發USB MCU OT8000模組,使得模組能透過USB Connector與電腦端進行連接,並由電腦端已安裝完成的Android Shadow軟體將手機畫面呈現於電腦桌面上,而後由Android Shadow軟體透過無線網路(WiFi)來進行雙向通訊,此時使用者可以直接在電腦端操作手機畫面來達到遙控的功能以及資料的傳輸。
In recent years, smart phone, personal computer (PC) and smart television (TV) are becoming more and more popular owing to the continuous reduction in price and the improvement in performance. Besides, using smart phones and PCs for the Internet access, as well as the interconnection among these electronic devices are highly desirable. The interconnection among these electronic devices is also known as Internet of Things (IOT). Using wireless communications for the IOT allows users to access and share information easily and conveniently. In this these, we will design and develop two wireless communication systems for the IOT. In the first system, an optical wireless communication link using infrared (IR) is constructed. This includes the development of an Android mobile phone application (App) program which can convert the signal into sound-wave file. The sound-wave file is then used to drive a self-developed IR module to control the TV. In the second system, the App program can also be used to control and trigger a MCU OT8000 module, which is connected to a PC via universal serial bus (USB) port. After the initial hand-shaking of the mobile phone and the MCU OT8000 module, the screen and the control functions of the mobile phone can be projected to the PC using WIFI technology. Hence, the mobile phone can be controlled using the keyboard and mouse of the PC.