标题: 钝化层于高效率混合式 矽异质接面太阳能电池之应用
Passivation methods for High Efficiency Hybrid Organic Silicon Heterojunction Photovoltaics
作者: 翁玮笙
Weng, Wei-Sheng
Yu, Peichen
关键字: 太阳能电池;混合式;二氧化钛胶体;表面钝化;少数载子生命周期;solar;hybrid;TiO2 sol-gel;surface passivation;minority carrier lifetime
公开日期: 2014
摘要: 在本论文中,我们希望可以将本实验室原有的混合式矽基板异质接面太阳能电池提高效率,所以选择了氧化铝以及二氧化钛胶体来当作表面钝化层来将低矽基板表面的缺陷以及悬浮键进而提高元件的光电转换效率。首先是在元件的正面,我们选择用超薄氧化铝来钝化矽奈米线的表面,成功地减少元件漏电流使开路电压上升进而提升元件的光电转换效率,在最好的情况下能从11.8 % 提升到12.4 %,其中开路电压从535 mV提升至544 mV。
另外我们也选择在矽基板的背表面去做钝化处理,其中氧化铝也可以成功将矽基板的表面附合速率减至100 cm/s以内,在经过400度退火之后。在元件方面,虽然我们无法用最好的钝化条件去做出元件,但是也可以看出氧化铝在背表面的钝化效果能可以将元件的光电转换效率从10.95 %提升至12.09 % 的高效率。在最后一个部分,是为了要迈向全水溶液制程,所以我们选择了一个表面钝化效果也不错的二氧化钛胶体,在只使用旋涂机就可以将二氧化钛胶体成功加入元件中,也有能使元件的光电转换效率有不错的提升,从10.95% 提升至11.93%。
In this study, we purpose to enhance the power efficiency of hybrid silicon heterojunction solar cell. There are a lot of defect on the surface, which will limit the efficiency of the photovoltaic. Therefore we expect to put passivation layer on hybrid solar cell to reduce the surface defect. First, we use the ultrathin Al2O3 film to passivation the surface defect of the silicon nanowire which has large surface area. And we successfully improve the power efficiency from 11.8% to 12.4%.
On the other hand, we measure the minority carrier lifetime of Al2O3 film on silicon substrate with QSSPC WCT-120. The surface recombination velocity (SRV) can be less than 100cm/s. And we also made the device with Al2O3 on rear surface of silicon substrate. The performance of the device can be enhanced from 10.95% to 11.09%. But our group’s goal forward the all solution hybrid silicon heterojunction solar cell. So we select TiO2 sol-gel solution to be the passivation layer of the hybrid solar cells, and the performance of the device can be increase from 10.95% to 11.93%