Title: 六開關反流器供電之單相交流電源設計與實現
Design and Implementation of Six-Switch Inverter Fed Single-Phase Voltage Source
Authors: 王榮
Wang, Jung
Chen, Hung-Chi
Keywords: 六開關反流器;單相電源供應器;Six-Switch Inverter;UPS
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: 本論文使用六開關反流器實現單相交流電源供應器。考慮輸入電壓與開關耐流限制,以得到最高之開關利用率。從理想電源供應之負載分析開始,再藉由單相全橋反流器做輸出電容電感之參數設計,接著根據此架構設計出於純電阻負載時,能最有效利用開關特性之輸出電壓相位差,並針對此架構提出控制策略。最後,為了進一步了解實際的可行性,本文以德州儀器生產的DSP晶片實現所提之單相電源與控制方法,且利用不同負載做測試加以驗證。
This thesis implements six-switch inverter fed single-phase voltage source. The purpose of this thesis is to maximize the switch utilization ratio under the limit of input voltage and rated values. In first, the linear and nonlinear loads under ideal source are studied. Then, the output inductor and capacitor of full-bridge inverter are designed. From the results, phase difference between both parts of the single-phase voltage source is helpful to maximize the switch utilization ratio. All the control algorithms are implemented in TI DSP chip. The provided results show that the proposed converter has acceptable performance and maximum switch utilization ratio.
Appears in Collections:Thesis