Title: 具有線電壓重建及平方正弦波技術以達到高功率因數及低總諧波失真之降壓型功率因數校正控制器
A Low THD Performance Buck Power Factor Corrector with Sine Square Current Modulation Mechanism and Line Voltage Rebuilt Technique
Authors: 孟哲浩
Meng, Che-Hao
Chen, Ke-Horng
Keywords: 功率因素校正控制器;連續導通模式;線電壓重建;平方正弦波電流控制;buck-type PFC;continuous conduction mode;line voltage rebuild;sine square current modulation.
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: 隨著世界人口的快速成長,電子產品變成人類社會不可或缺的一部分。儘管如此,人類使用越多的電子產品同時也意味著地球的資源將會越快被耗盡。因此,近年來綠能產業也越來越蓬勃發展,由於綠色能源電子產品的誕生,人類能夠有效的利用地球的能源資源,並且希望能夠做到永續發展的目標。針對高瓦數的電子產品,例如:空調系統及大尺寸的電視螢幕而言,功率因素變成必須要考量的指標性數值之一。如果高瓦數的電子產品卻有低落的功率因素,那麼將會大大降低發電廠的發電效率並且浪費不必要的熱能及資源在傳輸電力的電線上面。此外,低功率因素也可能會造成電子產品的故障或者是壽命的縮點。因此,功率因素校正控制器變成在發展電力電子技術中重要的一環。
Because of the growing of popularity, electricity products have become an essential part in the human society. However, the more electric product that people used means the faster resource of earth will exhaust. Therefore, green power has become an important role recently to save energy on earth. For high power devices such as air conditioners or televisions that people used every day, power factor (PF) is an indicator to represent the green power level. Commercial products with poor PF waste energy of power planets. Poor PF not only reduces the efficiency of power planets but also the life time of electric products. As a result, power factor corrector (PFC) is a necessary part for supplying those devices. The PFC operating in continuous conduction mode (CCM) is a difficult way to obtain high PF and low total harmonic distortion (THD) because of the distortion of input line voltage and the input line current. The proposed line voltage rebuilt (LVR) technique can eliminate the distortion of line voltage caused by the dead angle. On the other hand, the sine square current modulation (SSCM) technique can shape the input line current into the sinusoid waveform and thus in-phase with the line voltage. With these techniques, the proposed CCM buck-type PFC with high PF and efficiency and low THD at heavy loads can be achieved. The test chip was fabricated in Vanguard 500V BCD process and experimental results show that PF is higher than 0.95 and peak efficiency is 98% at 110vAC.
Appears in Collections:Thesis