標題: 觀察任務交代情境下的網路電話對話行為 -利用對話行為的自動筆記雛形設計
Observing Dialog Act on Task-oriented VoIP Conversation – Auto-note Prototype Design using Dialog Act
作者: 黃鈺婷
Huang, Yu-Ting
Lin, Wen-Chieh
關鍵字: 筆記;對話行為;雛形設計;Noting;Dialog Act;Prototype Design
公開日期: 2014
摘要: 在資訊爆炸的時代,每個人每天要處理的資訊量非常龐大,生活中隨時都有新資訊 出現,人們的注意力一直被周圍的環境所分散。長期處在容易被干擾的環境中,很容易什麼事情都只記了一點,各項記憶不深刻,隨著時間便容易忘東忘西。 電話是人們常用的溝通工具,我們會使用電話來交代事情,掛了電話若沒有即時處 理,就需要記錄下來時常以提醒自己。目前最常用的工具是隨手可得的小紙條,但紙條的收藏與整理麻煩,收藏不好也容易搞丟。有許多科技產品能輔助人們記憶,用手機等 行動產品記錄對話內容的設計,如 BlingSight、iRemember,其設計目的是要讓使用者能主動記錄對話內容,以便日後回顧。BlingSight 的優點為,可以一邊在通話過程中使用行事曆等功能記錄約會,但缺點是容易中斷正在進行的對話,而iRemember的 優點是,直接記錄完整段對話,但缺點是要在龐大的語音對話資料中尋找資訊。 我們提出「被動式對話筆記系統」,是一個以不打擾使用者的方式,替使用者留下 對話中重要訊息的系統。根據實驗的結果,我們針對這樣的設計提出建議。
In the era of information explosion, the amount of information we need to deal with every day is very large. There is frequently new incoming information. Our attention is often dispersed by surroundings. Spending long time in the environment that is likely to be disturbed makes us easy to forget what happened in our life. Our memories are not deep and would easily forgets as time. Phone is a common communication tool, which we use to explain things, give information, ask favor or chat. If we do not handle jobs immediately, we need to constantly record the information to remind ourselves. The most common tool is a memo note, but collecting and organizing notes is troublesome. There are many consuming electronic products which can help people remember. The mobile phone products, such as BlingSight or iRemember, are designed to help users record conversations for later review. BlingSight has the advantage that the user can use a calendar and other functions to record appointments while taking a call, but it also has the drawback that it is easy to interrupt the conversation of the call. iRemember has the advantage of directly recording dialog, but its drawback is needing to find information in large conversation data. We propose the concept of "Passive Dialog Noting System" which can capture important message from the conversation without disturbing the user. According to the experiment results, we suggest the design recommendations of the system.
Appears in Collections:Thesis