標題: 雙環式網路之退化L-型
On Degenerate Double-Loop L-Shapes
作者: 藍國元
Kuoyuan Lan
Chiuyuan Chen
關鍵字: 雙環式網路;L-型;退化;Double-loop network;L-shape;degenerate
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 大多數關於雙環式網路之L-型的結果均以四個參數 l, h, p, n來描述,但是這些參數在L-型為退化時,並不well-defined。首先,鄭與黃提出了一個很有效率的演算法來得出雙環式網路的L-型的四個參數,他們的演算法不論L-型是否退化均可執行。之後,陳與黃給了一套規則來定義退化的L-型的四個參數。很不幸的,用上述兩種方法所決定的l, h, p, n未必一致。在這篇論文中,我們試著了解上述兩種方法所決定的l, h, p, n所代表的意義及它們之間的關係。
Most of the results about the L-shapes of double-loop networks are given in
terms of the four parameters, h, p, n. But these parameters are not well defined
in the degenerate case. Recently, Cheng and Hwang gave an efficient algorithm
to compute the four parameters, h, p, n of an L-shape which works for both the
regular and the degenerate cases. On the other hand, Chen and Hwang gave a set
of rules to determine the four parameters of a degenerate L-shape. Unfortunately,
the solutions given by the above two methods do not always coincide. In this
thesis, we try to understand their respective meanings and their relations.


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