標題: 一個針對多樣化行動裝置上應用程式的視覺化開發工具
A Visualized Kit for Developing Applications on Multiple Mobile Devices
作者: 吳仁凱
Jen-Kai Wu
Shyan-Ming Yuan
關鍵字: 行動裝置;視覺化;開發工具;應用程式;Mobile Device;Visualized;Toolkit;Application
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 目前種類日益增加的手持行動裝置使得開發能在多種行動裝置上執行的應用程式變得十分困難,目前行動應用程式的種類可分成兩類:一種為可直接在行動裝置上執行的應用程式,另一種則是透過裝置內建的Web瀏覽器來瀏覽在伺服器端執行的應用程式,然而目前的行動應用程式開發工具大多只能單獨開發其中一種種類的應用程式,因而造成了開發人員在開發行動應用程式的困擾,在本篇論文中,我們介紹與實作了一套整合的行動應用程式開發工具,此工具可讓開發人員透過視覺化的拖拉編輯方式建立一個泛用的應用程式介面,接著再透過樣式表的轉換技術來產生此兩種不同種類的行動應用程式。我們不僅嘗試將此工具設計的簡單易用,同時預留了一些元件的擴充性以便日後的更新,另外此工具也整合到一個現有的整合開發環境裡面,行動應用程式開發者得以在單一的開發環境中同時編譯與測試多個自動產生的應用程式以達到節省開發時間的目的。
The proliferation of various mobile devices makes the development of mobile applications becomes more and more complicated. Currently, the mobile application can be classified into two types: one is mobile application which can be directly executed in the devices; the other is mobile Web application which is executed through an embedded mobile Web browser. At this time, none of any existing toolkits has the ability to develop both types of applications through authoring a single generic application interface. For this reason, we propose a visualized toolkit within an integrated development environment and discuss the design issues in this thesis. The toolkit is capable of creating the generic application interface simply through intuitive drag-and-drop operations. The generic application interface can then be transformed into both types of applications through the style sheet transformation technology. Furthermore, we not only try to make an easy-to-use toolkit, but also to preserve some extensibility for future add-ons. Developers can utilize this integrated toolkit to compile or test both types of applications to save development time and reduce development efforts.


  1. 357701.pdf

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