Title: 校園行動管理系統設計與實作
Design and Implementation of a Mobile Network Management System for Campus
Authors: 魏旺平
Wang Ping Wei
Suh-Yin Lee
Keywords: 校園;行動;管理;行動管理;校園行動管理;校園行動管理系統;campus;mobile;management;mobile management;mobile management for campus;CMMS
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 校園行動管理系統係整合電腦網路與行動通訊技術,將電腦資料利用網路與行動通訊的技術主動將資訊傳送給需要取得資訊的人員。校園行動管理系統初步開發巡堂系統、線上點名系統、生活常規管理系統、教師資訊系統、專科教室管理系統、學生輔導資訊系統、耗材管理系統、設備報修系統等子系統,將校園中教學、訓導、輔導、總務等處室的工作領域做行動管理的實作開發,期能有效改善目前校務管理的模式,使校務運作的效能更為提升。希望在最節省人力的這個基礎上,整合目前儲存在校園內各處室電腦中的各種資料,開發一致的使用者介面讓資料變成有用的資訊呈現給不同需求的使用者,讓資料活躍起來。 本系統在網路環境的基礎上建置網頁、資料庫、郵件、簡訊伺服器,使用ASP.NET設計開發伺服器端的應用程式提供使用者端用瀏覽器介面執行程式達到跨平台的目標。資料庫伺服器使用結構化查詢語言(SQL) 存取資料庫,一方面可以提升資料庫存取的效能,另一方面也增加系統未來擴充的彈性。郵件伺服器與簡訊伺服器則是為了達到傳送資訊的目的,本系統設計導入「數位神經系統」的概念,系統可以由使用者端接收各種資料,經由系統程式邏輯判斷後轉換成各種資訊以電子郵件的方式經由郵件伺服器傳送給相關的人員或是以簡訊的方式經由簡訊伺服器傳送到相關人員的手機中。 以線上點名系統為例,教師在課堂上以本系統進行點名登記的動作,系統除了將點名記錄儲存起來之外,可以立即在學生資料庫中擷取被點名記錄學生的通訊資料將點名記錄以電子郵件或簡訊傳送給家長、導師、輔導教師等等相關人員,讓大家在第一時間知道學生缺席的資訊,共同來關心學生的缺曠行為。生活常規管理也是如此,學生在進入校門時可能被值勤老師以本系統登記服儀不整,系統可以在記錄這項生活常規管理記錄之後立即以電子郵件或簡訊通知家長,讓家長一起來關心子女在學校的生活表現。 在校務行政上舉凡耗材管理,專科教室管理,教學設備維修管理等等也都可以利用校園行動管理系統即時地將各種訊息傳送給相關的管理人員,改善目前校務運作的模式。希望藉由網路、通訊技術的整合,讓「e化校園」的校園管理行動化-「M化校園管理」,使校務行政的效能更提升,讓教育改革更成功。
With the developments in information and communication technology—network system in particular, the promotion of computerization on campus (“e-campus”) and the emphasis on the integration of information technology into instruction and school administration have already become essential over the last two decades. Further still, with the latest advancement in mobile wireless network system, the accessibility in information requested and the application in multimedia also inspire the issue, “mobile learning (m-learning).” On the basis of network environment, the Campus Mobile Management System (CMMS) sets up Web, SQL, Mail, and Short Message Service Server (SMS Server). In addition, mets the target of multi-platform by using ASP.NET to design the application programs to offer the Client. SQL Server not only can promote the function of access but also can increase the flexibility of this system in the future. Thus, Mail Server and SMS Server are used to deliver information. With the conception of Digital Nervous System, the system can receive all kinds of information through Client. For example: the teacher will be record a student when he (she) is absent. And system will automatically contact his parent, instructors by E-Mail or Short message. The Campus Mobile Management System, developed upon such idea, enables to integrate all of the information on campus, including academic affairs, student affairs, general affairs, and personnel. Furthermore, designed with the single unanimous interface, the system will be much easier for individual users to update their information continually to satisfy the demands of their jobs. In terms of instruction, through digitalized information of electronic mail and instant messages processed by CMMS, the communication and interaction between school and families will be much more efficient. Also, with the combination of network system and mobile communication technologies, lower costs and great efficiency, both in administration and instruction, should be the exploited as potential practice of the mobilization on campus (“m-campus”).
Appears in Collections:Thesis