標題: 双半導體雷射與飛秒光頻梳鎖頻之研究
Frequency Locking of Two Laser Diodes to the Femtosecond Frequency Comb
作者: 高禎佑
Cheng-Yao Kao
Ci-Ling Pan
關鍵字: 飛秒鎖模雷射;外腔半導體雷射;mode-locked femtosecond laser;external-cavity diode laser
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 我們實現半導體雷射與飛秒鎖模雷射的互鎖。利用半導體雷射與飛秒雷射光梳頻的拍頻,半導體雷射頻率可以被鎖定在飛秒鎖模雷射的光梳頻上。在論文中利用脈衝雷射的光梳頻訊號來作為半導體雷射的頻率標準,並完成半導體雷射的穩頻,使得原本幾百MHz的頻率擾動降至 ~50 kHz,並可同時將二個半導體雷射光頻差率鎖定在0.7131000 THz與 0.4571000 THz,並且可以藉由改變外腔雷射的頻率,達到可調的效果。
Phase locking of CW semiconductor laser and mode-locked pulse laser can be realized by locking the beat signal between CW semiconductor laser and mode-locked pulse laser to the harmonic frequency of repetition rate of mode locked laser. In this thesis, we use the harmonic frequency of mode-locked laser as the reference standard of dual-wavelength CW semiconductor laser and stabilize the frequency of two external-cavity diode laser (ECDL)simultaneously . We can measure the frequency by femtosecond frequency comb .We suppress the frequency fluctuation of 2 ECDLs from hundred mega Hz to ~50 kHz in ten minutes .The beat note of the 2 ECDLs locked at 0.7131000 THz and 0.4571000 THz are demonstrated, and the frequency difference can be tuned by tuning the ECDL.


  1. 451201.pdf

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