標題: 二維光子晶體瑕疵共振腔內模態之分析
Analysis of Defect Modes of Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystal Nano-Cavities
作者: 趙竑鈞
Hong-Jyun Jhao
Po-Tsung Lee
關鍵字: 光子晶體;瑕疵共振腔;瑕疵模態;時域有限差分法;photonic crystals;defect cavities;defect modes;finite difference time domain
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 在這篇論文裡研究的是二維光子晶體瑕疵共振腔內的模態。 首先,我們介紹時域有限差分法和相關的邊界值條件。 其次,一些對稱性的分析和共振腔的設計原則將被討論。 最後,我們將展示一些模擬的技巧和光子晶體模擬的結果。
In this thesis, defect modes of two-dimensional photonic crystal nano-cavity are analyzed. The defect is formed by removing a single air hole from array of air holes of hexagonal lattice arrangement on a dielectric slab. First, the finite difference time domain method with various boundary conditions is introduced. Second, symmetry analysis of defect modes and design rules for high quality factor cavities are presented. Finally, techniques of the simulation and the results of the simulation, like photonic band structures, resonant frequencies, mode profiles, and quality factors are exhibited.


  1. 457701.pdf

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