標題: 具八酚官能基多面體聚矽氧烷於高分子作用力 奈米複合材料的合成與研究
The syntheses and studies of octaphenol polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane in polymer interactions and nanocomposite
作者: 林漢清
關鍵字: 多面體聚矽氧烷;酚醛樹酯;氫鍵;奈米複合材料;polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane;phenolic resin;hydrogen bond;nanocomposite
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 摘要 有機-無機混成材料結合了有機材料及無機材料的性質,而奈米級有機-無機複合材料由於可大幅補強原材料的性質,在近年引起相當廣泛的研究。在眾多奈米級填充物中,多面體聚矽氧烷由於具備固定的籠狀結構而有良好的尺寸安定性,在矽原子上連接之有機官能基可藉由傳統有機合成方法加以改質,來達成與高分子間有良好的作用力而在分子等級分散均勻。本論文以含八酚官能基的多面體聚矽氧烷為研究主體,內容則分為以下三大主題: (1) 含八酚官能基的多面體聚矽氧烷之合成 合成產物均藉由紅外線光譜以及核磁共振光譜做出證實。 (2) octa(acetoxystyryl)- octasilsesquioxane (AS-POSS)與酚醛樹酯混摻之高分子間作用力研究 高分子之相容性和特殊作用力的探討有助於解釋許多高分子的行為。本研究乃利用AS-POSS其有機部份可產生氫鍵受體,可與其他帶有氫鍵予體的高分子產生氫鍵作用力,藉此探討酚醛樹酯與多面體聚矽氧烷間的氫鍵作用情形。 (3) 利用含八酚官能基的多面體聚矽氧烷改質酚醛樹酯,以製備有機-無機混成奈米複合材料 酚醛樹酯由於其良好的機械強度、耐熱性以及尺寸穩定性,從工業上到太空科技上均具有廣泛的用途。本研究乃利用酚醛樹酯聚合過程中摻入含八酚官能基的多面體聚矽氧烷,使得奈米粒子與高分子之間產生反應藉以達成製備奈米複合材料,令改質後的酚醛樹酯性質能夠進一步提升之目的。
Abstract Inorganic-organic hybrid materials combine both properties of inorganic and organic materials, and inorganic-organic hybrid nanocomposites have attracted enormous interests due to their large improvement of material properties. In numerous nanofillers, polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane(POSS) compounds have good dimension stability because they embody a truly hybrid (inorganic-organic) architecture, which contains an inner inorganic framework made up of silicone and oxygen (SiO1.5)x, that is externally covered by organic substituents. A selection of POSS nanostructured chemicals now exist that contain various combinations of nonreactive substituents and/or reactive functionalities. Thus, POSS nanostructured chemicals may be easily incorporated into common plastics via copolymerization, grafting, or blending to achieve well dispersion. In this thesis, we focus on three major subjects which based on octaphenol-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane: (1) The syntheses of octaphenol-POSS The synthesis products are confirmed by FTIR and NMR. (2) Studies of hydrogen bonding in blends of phenolic resin with octa(acetoxystyryl)- octasilsesquioxane AS-POSS We concentrate on the polymer miscibility and specific interaction, especially in the hydrogen bonding interaction. The AS-POSS contains carbonyl group that is known as a proton acceptor for several polymers with proton doner, we can study the hydrogen bonding between phenolic and AS-POSS. (3) A novolac type of phenolic nanocomposite from octaphenol-POSS Phenolic resins are preferred in a wide range of applications, from commodity and construction materials to high technology aerospace industry. This recognition emerges from the fact that these resins have several desirable characteristics, such as superior mechanical strength, heat resistance and dimensional stability. In this studies, we incorporated octaphenol-POSS into phenolic matrix by copolymerization to attain further improvement of thermal properties.


  1. 551901.pdf

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