標題: 以國家競爭力作國家分群之策略分析—專注在高科技產業
Group Countries by National Competitiveness—Focusing on High-Tech Industry
作者: 李詠雯
Lee, Yung-wen
關鍵字: 競爭力;高科技;指標;專利統計;創新;主成分分析;回歸;集群分析;Competitiveness;High-tech;Index;Patent statistic;Innovation;Principal components analysis;Regression;Cluster analysis
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 高科技產業在全球經濟發展上所扮演的重要角色是眾所皆知的。在國家的層級上,專利統計數目(Patents statistics)是代表國家發展潛力的重要指標。為了識別國家的競爭力,我們可以研究國家專利數目與其各種內部建設之間的關係,諸如,基礎建設、技術建設、科學建設、健康、環境及教育等,並以此方法達到我們的目標。 本篇論文利用因素分析(Factor analysis)的方法來探討與國家競爭力相關的重要因子。本篇所提到的六項因子無論對於回歸分析方程式(General regression equation)或是主成分分析(Principal components analysis)來說都是尋常的解釋變數。另一方面,為了更準確地定位出各個國家的競爭力,我們必須將所探討之國家先就其競爭力的相似度預做分類。根據這些相似的特色,我們即可將欲研究的國家恰當地群組起來做集群分析(Cluster analysis)。 對於台灣來說,專利對於高科技產業的發展非常重要,因此如何加強我國內部的公共建設及大環境以增進國家競爭力是刻不容緩的。如此,我們才可以帶領台灣進入高競爭力國家的群組當中。對於已開發及未開發國家亦或是國際性聯合組織來說,本篇論文提供了許多關係國家層級政策制定重要的指導方針。
It’s common knowledge that high-tech industry plays a critical role to the development of global economy. In the national level, the patents statistics are key indicators to demonstrate the nation’s capability of development. To identify a nation’s global competitiveness, one approach is to find the relationship between patents statistics and multi-infrastructures such as basic infrastructure, technological infrastructure, science infrastructure, health and environment, and education. This paper presents the insight gained from the use of factor analysis to identify the key components associated with national competitiveness. The six factors were common explanatory variables for both the general regression equation and the principal component analysis. In other hand, for our purposes, the most accurate position of a country can only be determined after the grouping of countries showing similarities to the evaluated country in terms of competitiveness. Based on similarity of characteristics, we now appropriately group/cluster the countries under study. Since patents are so important to the development of high-tech industry, for Taiwan, how to improve our multi-infrastructures to increase our patents competitiveness is very important. In that way, we can make our country go into the highest competitive countries group. This thesis concludes with some important guidelines for policy formulation at the national level in both developed and developing countries as well as in multinational organizations.
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