標題: 衡量客服人員行為與心理壓力以協助多管道客服中心介面設計
Measuring Agent’s Behavioral and Psychological Loads for Multi-Channel Contact Center Interface Designs
作者: 黃元珀
Yuanpo Huang
Charles Trappey
關鍵字: 多管道客服中心;工作負荷;客服中心系統介面設計;multimedia contact center;workload;call center interface design
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 本篇論文的主旨是:第一、 發現客服人員在操作多管道客服中心介面時,每一種溝通管道對其行為與心理壓力的工作負荷量;第二、發現用以改進客服中心系統操作頁面設計之要點 。由於過去沒有針對電話接聽或是線上對談這類工作進行工作負荷量檢測之研究,因此本篇研究藉由Wickens’多重資源模型推導出假設。本研究使用NASA工作負荷量表檢測工作負荷量,及QUIS 使用者互動滿意問卷檢測使用者對介面的滿意程度。本研究發現,一般而言,電話接聽工作相較線上對談有較高的工作負荷量;然而,線上對談有較高的生理負荷量,原因可能是線上對談需要較多的打字作業。在使用者滿意度問卷中,開放性問題詢問使用者對於「客服中心系統介面設計」之問項,獲得許多實用的資訊,有助於未來介面設計之改進。 這些建議可以依照Neilson設計原則分為以下幾點: 簡單、支援性、易視性、可回復性、回饋機制、與個人化。
The objects of the thesis are: first, find out the behavioral and psychological workload level from each of communication channel in multimedia contact center; and second, find out the factors and points of the contact center operation interface improvement. There is no prior research showed the workload level from telephone task, nor from online chat. The hypotheses are deduced from Wickens’ multiple resources model. The study conducted the experiment to understand the workload from these two tasks. By using NASA TLI and QUIS questionnaires, the experiment generates the conclusions that telephone receiving task has higher workload in general. However, the online chat task has greater physical demand, due to its typing and key-in efforts. The open-end question, asking for user opinions about the design of contact center interface, acquired much information that can help future design. The suggestions can be classified by the principles of design: simplicity, support, visibility, reversible action, feedback accessibility and personalization.


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