標題: 知覺公平對滿意度及再購買的影響:服務缺失與補償之實證研究
The Effects of Justice Perceptions on Satisfaction and Repeat Purchase: An Empirical Study of Service Failure and Recovery
作者: 張偉菁
Wei-Jing Chang
Dr. Charles V. Trappey
Dr. Chia-Chi Chang
關鍵字: 服務缺失;服務補償;顧客滿意度;口碑;再購買;服務補償矛盾;Service Failure;Service Recovery;Customer Satisfaction;Word-of-Mouth;Repeat Purchase;Recovery Paradox
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 本研究的目的在於探討三種知覺公平(分配公平、程序公平與互動公平),兩種服務缺失發生情況(購物時與購物後)以及這三種知覺公平與服務缺失情況的交互作用對於顧客滿意度、口碑與再購買的影響。本研究利用2x2x2x2實驗設計,共有十七種情境,包括十六種服務缺失與補救的情境以及一種未發生服務缺失的情境。首先本實驗衡量三種知覺公平、兩種情況與顧客滿意度的關係以及顧客滿意度對於口碑與再購買的影響。其次,衡量服務補償矛盾的效果。此研究主要發現如下:(1) 三種知覺公平(分配公平、程序公平與互動公平) 對顧客滿意度有正向影響,(2) 兩種服務缺失發生情況(購物時與購物後)對顧客滿意度沒有顯著影響,(3) 分配公平與服務缺失發生情況的交互作用會影響顧客滿意度,(4) 程序公平與服務缺失發生情況的交互作用會影響顧客滿意度,(5) 顧客滿意度對口碑及再購買有正向影響,(6) 本研究無法證明服務補償矛盾的效果。
The main purpose of this research is to examine the three perceived justices (distributive justice, procedural justice, and interaction justice), two situations (purchase and postpurchase) and interaction between perceived justices and situations influence the customer satisfaction, word-of-mouth, and repeat purchase. This research was studied by 2x2x2x2 empirical design and used the seventeen scenarios including sixteen service failure/recovery scenarios and one neutral scenario. First, this study measured the relationship of the three perceived justices, two situations and customer satisfaction, furthermore, the impact between customer satisfaction and word-of-mouth or repeat purchase. Second, this study examined the service recovery paradox. The major findings of this study were (1) the three perceived justices have positive effects on customer satisfaction, (2) the situations are no significant on customer satisfaction, (3) the interaction between distributive justice and situations have an influence for customer satisfaction, (4) the interaction between procedural justice and situations make impact on customer satisfaction, (5) customer satisfaction has a positive effect on word-of-mouth and repeat purchase, (6) the service recovery paradox effect was not proved in this research.