標題: 影響消費者採用行動電子商務因素之研究
the study of factors that affect consumers to adopt mobile e-commerce
作者: 許執潔
chi-chieh hsu
chiun-shin lin
關鍵字: 行動電子商務;理性行為理論;計畫行為理論;科技接受模式;mobile commerce;theory of reasoned action;theory of planned behavior;technology acceptance model
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 行動電子商務,又簡稱行動商務,本研究定義為:提供使用者在任何時間、任何地點透過行動無限配備以金錢交易的方式擷取資訊、購買產品或服務。根據英國市調公司Juniper research預測全球行動商務市場報告,在2009年將達到400億美金的市場規模,足以可見行動商務的市場潛力。但相較於亞洲的其他國家--日本、南韓,台灣的使用率明顯較低,電信業者應該要推出怎樣的服務來增加營收與用戶貢獻度(ARPU),將是本研究所探討的重點。 因此本研究希望能建構出一套解釋消費者使用行動商務行為的模型。嘗試利用理性行為理論、計畫行為理論與科技接受模式的架構,並加入兩個新的變數—產品屬性與價格,來探討擁有手機、PDA之消費者,對於行動電子商務服務的接受意願與行為的推論。利用LISREL統計方法加以分析,以發展出依據理論性與實務性的研究模型。 研究結果發現,「態度」、「主觀性規範」、「行為控制認知」、「產品屬性」、「價格」會對「行為意願」產生影響,「行為意願」再去影響「實際行為」;其中,「認知有用性」對「態度」的影響最大;「同儕影響」相較於「外在影響」而言,對「主觀性規範」有較大的影響;「便利性」、「自我效能」則對「行為控制認知」有顯著影響;但「行為控制認知」對「實際行為」的影響並不顯著。最後並提出一些建議給相關業者與後續研究。
Mobile e-commerce,or mobile commerce,is to provide users to get information and buy products or services anytime、anywhere through mobile wireless devices with monetary value. According to Juniper research report of forecasting worldwide mobile commerce market,it will have big market about 400 million dollars which is a sign of mobile commerce market potential. But competitive to other countries of Asia like Japan、South Korea,useage of mobile commerce is lower in Taiwan. So it is key point in this thesis that practitioners should provide what services to increase revenues and ARPU. So this study hopes to establish a model to explain consumers’adoption of mobile commerce. This study tries to build a model based on theory of reasoned action (TRA)、theory of planned behavior (TPB) and technology acceptance model (TAM) and two new variables-product attributes and price to deduct consumers’ intention and behavior of mobile commerce. And analyze data with LISREL in order to develop a model with theory and empirical test. The results indicate attitude、subjective norm、perceived behavioral control、product attributes and price would influence intention,and intention influences behavior. Besides the effect of perceived usefulness on attitude is larger;the effect of peer influence on subjective norm is larger than external influence;and facilitating condition and self efficacy have significant effect on perceived behavioral control. But the effect of perceived behavioral control on actual behavior is not significant. Finally some suggestions for subsequent researchers and practitioners are provided.
Appears in Collections:Thesis