標題: 以科技接受模式探討消費者使用QR Code行動支付的行為意圖
The Study of Behavior Intention to Use QR Code Mobile Payment in Technology Acceptance Model
作者: 陳姿蓉
Chen, Tzu-Jung
Huang, Jen-Hug
關鍵字: 科技接受模式、QR Code行動支付、沉浸理論、人格特質、知覺風險;Technology Acceptance Model, QR Code Mobile Payment, Flow Theory, Personality Trait, Perceived Risk
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 從2013年開始,台灣開通QR Code行動支付後,更加速打破以往人們的消費模式。由於每個人對採用新科技系統有不同傾向,本研究希望能了解消費者如何認知QR Code行動支付,以及他們對此新科技系統的使用態度與行為意圖。 根據Davis(1989)提出的科技接受模式,知覺有用性與知覺易用性是影響消費者採用新科技系統行為意圖的兩個重要因素,而影響消費者知覺有用性和知覺易用性的變數稱為外部變數,包括個別差異、環境變數和系統特色。本研究將針對個別差異進行探討,除了採用經驗開放性此項變數,再加上由於現今大多數消費者會不知不覺沉浸在使用行動裝置的狀態,因此本研究也將採用被多位學者視為影響沉浸經驗的專注度因素,探討消費者的專注程度是否也會影響其對新科技系統的認知。 行動支付是透過虛擬通路完成交易,因此消費者的知覺風險通常會比在實體店面購物還大,並可能影響消費者採用新科技系統的意圖。本研究將以Featherman & Pavlou(2003) 提出專屬網路服務所會面臨到的知覺風險為基礎,了解隱私風險和財務風險是否會影響消費者使用態度與行為意圖之間的關係。 本研究透過電子問卷進行調查,發放對象為擁有行動裝置的台灣民眾,有效問卷為222份,並以結構方程模式檢驗研究假說。 本研究結果顯示,經驗開放性和專心度皆會顯著影響知覺易用性,但對知覺有用性無顯著影響;消費者對QR Code行動支付的正面態度越強,他們對此新科技系統的行為意圖也越強;同時,知覺有用性、知覺易用性也將直接與間接影響消費者對QR Code行動支付的行為意圖。另外,隱私風險和財務風險此兩項干擾變數皆對消費者使用態度和行為意圖之間的關係無顯著影響。
The original way to consume is broken rapidly since Taiwan starts to use QR Code in 2013. Individual users are known to differ in their tendency to adopt new technologies. The purpose of this research is to find out how consumers cognize QR Code mobile payment, and their attitude, intention for using it. According to Technology Acceptance Model, perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (PEOU) are two key user beliefs affecting intention to adopt a technology. PU and PEOU capture the aggregated effect of a set of upstream factors that represent individual differences, organizational influence, and system characteristics. This research will focus on individual differences. Besides openness, many consumers have flow phenomenon when using mobile device, this research will also find out how consumers’ concentration affect their cognition toward QR Code mobile payment. Mobile payment is through the virtual channel; therefore, the perceived risk is often higher than through the physical store. Therefore, the present research will find out if privacy risk and financial risk affect the relation between consumers’ attitude and intention. The research made by electronic questionnaires, and collected mobile device users in Taiwan. 222 vaild samples were collected, and using structural equation modeling to examine hypotheses. By the data analysis, the results show both openness and concentration have significant influence on PEOU, but neither on PU. PU positively affects consummers’ attitude, but PEOU didn’t. The more positive attitude the consumers have toward QR Code mobile payment, the greater their intention would be. PU directly influences intention. In addition, there are no significant moderate effect through privacy risk and financial risk between consumers’ attitude and intention.